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Supraviețuind coloana vertebrală a diavolului..
25 thoughts on “Supraviețuind coloana vertebrală a diavolului..”
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Never disappointed when I watch these videos.
Guys, I love you, I love your videos, I'm a patreon of yours. But those "ad breaks" are just killing the vibe… Are they really worth it? Just sayin'… Anyways – you da best 🙂
Love his fins.
I would like the cassette, please!!
What sunglasses does Riley wear?
Thanks for watching!! Without patrons and our viewers, this show wouldn't exist. If you'd like to be part of our patreon community with exclusive previews, live streams, merch rewards and ad free episodes, you can find our page here: http://bit.ly/SLVPatreon
Why what's been bend that video
Watch being that video Alex Jones show he tells the truth what's going on with the world but don't take the shots no code 19 shots for the boosters
Found SLV around 6 years ago and come back here every now and then. SLV is one of the most millenial series, ever 😁 As in, good people chaining life hacks into a way of living, and enjoying life while it lasts.
You should add a mama song to be a good boy song.
Can you make more videos please
So good
Have you tried the Yuneec Typhoon yet?
When will the next video drop?
Incredible video!
Made my day!
Wish I would have seen this earlier.
Love it
Have you tried Mighty Travels Premium yet?
Have you tried the new DJI Mini Pro?
Great video
Awesome video!
Is this taken on an iPhone 13?