Feadship 118m/ 387’2” BN1010 a fost lansat astăzi

Feadship 118m/ 387'2” BN1010 a fost lansat astăzi

Feadship a lansat astăzi Project 1010 la șantierul lor naval. Pregătirile pentru lansarea celui mai mare iaht Feadship de până acum au început deja ieri, deoarece pescajul iahtului trebuia să treacă prea mult de lacul IJsselmeer pentru destinația ei de amenajare din Amsterdam. Odată ce iahtul de 118 m/ 387’2″ a primit o ridicare suplimentară de 1 metru/ 3 ft prin intermediul pungilor de aer și al piciorului asistat, iahtul de 118 m/ 387’2″ a părăsit astăzi Makkum către Amsterdam. Filmare The Nautical Lady & Dutch Yachting. # Feadship #BN1010 #Superyacht


32 thoughts on “Feadship 118m/ 387’2” BN1010 a fost lansat astăzi

  1. I see why Feadship needed that much hangar length to build it. Good grief what a monster!!! I remember when Feadship was building 100 footers now they're almost to 400'!! I wonder why they had to raise the stern?? Was the draft too deep for that canal? Hoping for a walkthrough soon!!

  2. I'd hate to see SEA-TOW bill. 😉 To all who designed, built and outfitted her, job well done. That's a beauty, may the owner and family and friends enjoy her.

  3. Wow, what a beautiful ship! I've read posts about the owners being wasteful and careless to the environment by building this ship and those complaints are justified. On the flip side, there really is a trickle down effect to the companies and employees who build these ships and yachts. I'm a building contractor and we have similar clients who have large homes built as well. If it wasn't for them, we would have far less work, since during tough economic times, they are virtually recession proof due to their vast wealth. Props to the craftsmen and women who built this beauty! The owner can now enjoy paying the huge overhead required to maintain this beast😂

  4. That's about the biggest yacht I've ever seen. Anyone know who that belongs to? There are few people in the world who can afford to not only build, but own and maintain a yacht like that.

  5. Pracht schip ,en mooie job om het naar dieper water te krijgen. Dat het maar genoeg ruimte onder de kiel en boeg mag houden tijdens zijn vaart.dikke duim.

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