Plecăm cu trimaranul super eficient Corsair 880 de 28 de picioare, care navighează rapid, apoi se pliază și se remorcă. Aceasta poate converti până la 100% din vânt în viteză a bărcii și cu puțin efort. Bucurați-vă de fiorul vântului aparent și de pescajul mic atunci când navigați. Pentru un KIT INFO, vizitați:
RECENZIE: Navigarea cu Corsair 880 Sport Trimaran

6 thoughts on “RECENZIE: Navigarea cu Corsair 880 Sport Trimaran”
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Are they available with antifoul?
There’s certainly lots to Love!

I have been looking into this for about a year now. I really like this and it doesn't seen to hard to solo sail as well.
Would you say this is easier to sail than a monohull?
How much is it? Or is it just a dream ??
Beautiful yacht. Slow wind speed performance is so good to have.. Would be good to see a polar diagram. I wonder how fast it sails in 5knots up wind and beam reaching. Would be great to solo circumnavigate Australia with.
I’ve been interested in this for over a year following Tula’s Endless Summer and other channels. One question I have is can you fit an electric outboard motor(Torqeedo Cruise 6.0)and how watertight is the compartment where the fuel tank is to house the battery for the outboard motor? My other question is could you give us the dimensions for the compartment where the generator is meant to go?