Fiica mea Salish și-a dorit mereu o soră mai mică, așa că astăzi o adoptă pe Mila din Familia Anazala! La final, Mila trebuie să ia o decizie URIAȘĂ! *Salish a controlat-o pe Anasala timp de 24 de ore: Salish m-a provocat la o ședință foto tată-fiică cu Sofie Dossi și Anna McNulty: NOU Jordan Matter Top Videos canal: Salish l-a controlat pe Ben Azelart timp de 24 de ore: Ești mai puternic decât un copil de 10 ANI!? Salish a fost adoptat de familia regalității: am ADOPTAT o FATĂ, dar FIUL nostru devine GELOS! ft/ Jordan Matter Salish a fost adoptat și de Rebecca Zamolo: We ADOPTED the WORST Daughter – ft Jordan Matter Acesta este un videoclip amuzant de Lexi Rivera: WE STARTED UN CANAL DE FAMILIE PENTRU ZI!! Super video de Brent Rivera: ACEST COPII ESTE ATAT DE PUTERNIC, NIMENI NU-L POATE INVINGE!! ABONAȚI-VĂ și URMARĂ: Eu: Anazala: Hudson : Salish: Mila: ABONAȚI-VĂ, LIKE și SHARE acest videoclip! Activați POST NOTIFICARI pentru a primi notificări ori de câte ori postez! MERCH: Întrebări de afaceri: Videoclip de Sandy Chase Music licențiat prin Artlist și Epidemic Sound Wow, dacă încă mai citiți ești minunat! BOOOMMMM!!

46 thoughts on “FIICA MEA ADOPTĂ O SORĂ *Emoționantă*”
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We love you guyssss!!
Can we just talk about Mila and Salish fighting their dad
mila is so cute
Poor Jordan always gets beaten up and gets pieed in the face
I’ve always wanted a sister!! I’m stuck with my brother! He is annoying, he is rude to me, he never plays with me
which makes me cry!!! My brother is in 9th grade.
But good thing is is my 5 year old little cousin her name is India!! I love her. . .I wish she was my sister!! When India came over to spend time with me and my family!! India’s family stayed over at our house, and when I told her if she wanted to have a sleepover she surprising say yes! But her mom didn’t let her have a sleepover because India is used to sleeping with her mom! She started to cry about it!! I read her one of my favorite baby books when I was a little baby “Snuggle Puppy!!” I read it to her and she started to calm down!! I was proud of myself
I love I have a little sister
Hudson: I always wanted a little sister
Me: isn't Salish ur little sister?
i love you so much
Sooo cute

I am a fan of you
The guy who’s willing to edit it because do you want it in the background say this is disgusting dad and cuckoo so please I did it and take out Jordan the disgusting one and annoying and emotional one
Mila is at work today and she has been in bed with her and I hope she doesn’t feel well
Mila and Salish looked like they had lots of fun! They are so cute!

I like yo I to!
5:02 when mila said LETS MAKE A MESS
Mila is stupid
Man power
you re sus
Sorry G
I really think Mila should stay the night it’s because she is so cute and I think that Salish me a Great big sister and also I can’t wait until Jordan tries those pancakes and it look like they’re gonna that taste so bad I’m sorry Mila but I think that’s gonna be his little bit bad but I can’t wait to see Jordan’s reaction it’s so funny
Salish is little sister looed so

Satish and Mila are so cute together
i always wanted a little sister toooooo

The “ Oh my god that’s so cool “ was so cute when Salish said “smila pancakes”
She said I’m gonna make my dad taste them
L love you so much love to
Hi Salish my name is Meera.

I'm a vegetarian gust like you.
I also subscribe to your channel
smilia I actually like that
Hi Salish I am In total
Can you make me in my videos your videos are so cool BC with the royalty
Try to speak Chinese
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Salish ask your dad to have a crush
Soooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee
Mila is so cute when she says ice cream
Mla and salish are soooo rich

I love ur Chanel im ur biggest fan end i lif in netherland and im 9
they are so cute together same story i also wanted to have a little sister i had 4 brother i am the only sister in the house i always wishing for a little sister
and i like your videos
Who has a crush on Salish?
I do