DAMEN YACHTING de contact și informații: https://bit.ly/nautistyles Urmărește-ne Construirea unui iaht explorator @NautiGuys https://bit.ly/3yPe1Z5 Tur al mașinii genetice: https://youtu.be/3uOxyd3cSvY Go Anywhere Expedition Yacht este cu siguranță „Noua Normală” în Lumea SuperYachturilor. Și vasele de sprijin devin din ce în ce mai mult o normă de văzut lângă una dintre aceste Frumuseți! Faceți cunoștință cu „Gene Chaser”, construit de Damen Yachting și face parte din flota Gene, care include nava-mamă „Gene Machine” https://youtu.be/3uOxyd3cSvY Personal, cred că „Gene Chaser” ar fi un croas primar perfect pentru Explorer the World, dar ce părere aveți? Pregătește-te să-l vezi pe Rico salivând pe puntea bărcii și pe jucării
Spuneți-mi ce părere aveți despre aceasta, băieți, în comentarii //CUMPĂRATĂ-M LOOK: rochie: https://amzn.to/3JpwMFn hat : https://amzn.to/365wzZF sunnies: https://amzn.to/3KXuQEl Uriaș Mulțumim lui @Damen Yachting ȘI DENIZA pentru configurarea acestui lucru. DAMEN YACHTING informații și contact: https://bit.ly/nautistyles #YachtSupport #DAMEN #SuperYachtTour //ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU NAUTI: https://www.patreon.com/NautiStyles De la început, am decis să ne păstrăm independența & integritate, deci nu acceptăm plăți pentru Yacht Tours și nu „lucrem pentru închiriere”, astfel putem alege și doar Tour navele pe care le considerăm interesante pentru publicul nostru. Suntem aici pentru a ne distra în timp ce verificăm cele mai tari iahturi de pe piață și nu ne luăm prea în serios! MULȚUMESC PENTRU LIKE-URI, COMENTARII, COMENTARII ȘI SUB-UNĂRI! ACESTE 4 CLICURI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!!
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„GENE CHASER” DAMEN YACHT SUPPORT World Explorer Go Anywhere Expedition SuperYacht Tour

36 thoughts on “„GENE CHASER” DAMEN YACHT SUPPORT World Explorer Go Anywhere Expedition SuperYacht Tour”
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We just really enjoy these incredible machines, so fun to dream!

Great, especially for the environment.
The Cat 3212C engine is very common in the Fracking industry.
One of favourite videos I’ve seen. Thank you
That deck needs a NEMO container for having fun in pirate rich waters.
If I was that wealthy, this is the yacht for sure.
I liked the interview with the chief engineer alot.
Love love
Price ?
Why not show the master cabin? The lady wasn’t a great host, it was like she didn’t want to show anything. Seemed very difficult to tour the boat with her.
The huge carbon footprints of super yachts are not enough. Now, they have huge support vessels with huge carbon footprints. Hope they sink (and no one is injured).
This is a wow tour of a boat that is so interesting to see. I know there was crew onboard & a private vessel but a more in-depth tour would have been so cool if it had been not occupied for sure. Nevertheless thanks for an amazing tour of a working research ship.

Really interesting hearing from the Engineer.
I can't have the boat, so I'll take the girl.

Shit Walter white got super rich
The interior immediately made me feel like I was in a Medical Clinic or Hospital.
Go big and a tax write off too.
Why have the Playstation symbols in the name of the yacht?
Shhh, don't tell the secret. The billionaire is soooo important that he/she has a large boat to provide extensive perimeter (ring) security….like a SEAL team always shadowing the main boat, and an RRT always ready…..
Is it me or does the support yacht with an on board lab give anyone else bond villain vibes !!
dude you're on a ship thats not a yacht
Big wow! Support vessel is way better.
A marine landing, training, special troupes platform a navy undercover system. The systems and max speed what is actually little bit high, speaks for themselves, a fast intervention vessel.
I like the utilitarian look. That world explorer neo-military style.
Well off is having a boat. Rich is having a yacht. Crazy ass RICH is having a yacht for your yacht.
I still can't believe this is a support vessel.
how many kilos you have to sell in miami to bay that ???
these people live like ancient emperors this cannot last
And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: (Acts 17:30)
Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. (James 4:4)
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matthew 7:13-14)
Awesome to see the chief engineer is South African

thats awesome! Love it. The wheelhouse view is fantastic, full 360. Support vessel my foot, thats a superb piece of kit
I would rename it ‘Jamie Chaser’