Cred ca as fi facut pipi in pantaloni!!

Cred ca as fi facut pipi in pantaloni!!

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21 thoughts on “Cred ca as fi facut pipi in pantaloni!!


  2. Damn you’re rude. You’re really rude. Follow her. I’ll just pee on the carpet instead of listening to your dumb words.😡🫵🏼🤬😠😤 really you should’ve let her use the restroom before she pees herself or if I were her I’ll pee on you or on your cat or your dog or your friend or on the carpet or in your bed anywhere around your house if you’re not gonna let her use the restroom if I was her, I would do all that stuff that I just said dummy such a rude friend or cousin whatever you are Dumbo😠😤😡🤬

  3. Damn you’re rude. You’re really rude. Follow her. I’ll just pee on the carpet instead of listening to your dumb words.😡🫵🏼🤬😠😤 really you should’ve let her use the restroom before she pees herself or if I were her I’ll pee on you or on your cat or your dog or your friend or on the carpet or in your bed anywhere around your house if you’re not gonna let her use the restroom if I was her, I would do all that stuff that I just said dummy such a rude friend or cousin whatever you are Dumbo😠😤😡🤬

  4. Don't ever do that to a girl who have to be bad because that can hurt their stomach and they can pee on something that's really brand new or that's old but they really like it so I don't like you to that actually made her do that

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