Cum să-ți scufunzi barca #6 | Barci ondulate | Haulover Inlet

Cum să-ți scufunzi barca #6 |  Barci ondulate |  Haulover Inlet

Cum să-ți scufunzi barca #6 | Barci ondulate | Haulover Inlet #short | Barci de transport | Barci ondulate | Haulover Inlet


47 thoughts on “Cum să-ți scufunzi barca #6 | Barci ondulate | Haulover Inlet

  1. Not sure if Im right, but from the looks of it, the cpatain went straight ahead at the waves, why the the throttle was still pushed in to "drive" mode, causing the the wave to go over the bow into the seating area, which him being in "drive" caused his boat to propel down into the water. (should have taken waves at 45 * angle)

  2. Ppl stop calling this guy a captain he is just a idiot he was able to buy a boat and doesnt have a clue how to operate in these conditions. There needs to he a special class for ppl who live near hullover inlet or for anybody who wants to enter or use omthe inlet to help prevent these jdiots grom doing this type of stuff daily.

  3. Maneuvering is the answer. By maneuvering I mean speeding up while hopping onto the wave and slowing down while going down the wave. Also there are corridors in between the waves, one should be very present there to be able to spot them. With this very situation in the video, in my opinion nothing terrible happened if the driver and passengers weren't hurt other than got scared. For the driver, it should be a lesson that while driving a boat in a wavy sea he should lock the door to the deck.

  4. The guys in these videos are unbelievable. Always running to save themselves leaving women and/or child behind to fend for themselves.
    Their mothers must be so proud.

  5. Not a boater but my pops taught me when I was 12, even then I knew not to drive the nose directly into the wave. Follow the wave and if you go to fast hit the wave at a 45 degree angle

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