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PSIHOTERAPEU REACȚIONĂ la Lil Yachty- Yacht Club (ft. Juice WRLD)

42 thoughts on “PSIHOTERAPEU REACȚIONĂ la Lil Yachty- Yacht Club (ft. Juice WRLD)”
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this should be interesting haha. Just a fun song
“Feeling” next
please react to back on that wok freestyle. its new
4:08 love that he's facepalming but still lowkey banging his head to the song

Love this one, Tom!
This video put the biggest smile on my face, I knew what lyrics were coming up and could not wait to see how you reacted
When is the XO TOUR LIF3 reaction droppin??
These days thumbnail's are crazzzy

Im telling you & all rn LilBoat and Juice WRLD were one of the best combs in the music business, they had multiple Tracks together. For example Juice‘s „Airport Security“ x LilYachty will always be one of my alltime fav Songs, its honestly one of my top5 Songs out of every Juice wrld tracks, and you all know he had a discography of only very good Songs, so to be one of my 5 most liked out of them all means actually a lot. Whats more, its all about, as the name alrdy tells, Airports and their Security which is soo eery due to the fact Juice passed at one but the track was made years before shits happened…always gave me a special bond to this Song.

4:40 hahahaha
Do sleep paralysis by juice
Thanks Tom!
Juice juice juice juice juice

I can hear him thinking to himself : (Oh my gosh, my colleagues are gonna see this.) lmao
I bet you this guy listen’s to leaks.
i never would have expected yacht club on this channel

React to Lil peep falling 4 me
This is all time favorite
999 ring ring is good too
as soon as i saw this i clicked. the lyrics in this track are crazy

I wish I had you as my therapist

Your the coolest therapist ever
Can you react to 66 by Lil Yachty and Trippie Redd plz?
Can you react to King Von, Lil Loaded and Pop Smoke plz
You know he a genuine juice fan. W vids
We see the laughter when Alexis Texas gets brought up, Tom

This was awesome
react to shinners13 by zillakami and sosmula

He is a Certified Hip-Hop Listener, Respect!
Easily one of my favorite songs
I feel bad for specific parts of this reaction ngl…
Alwas fire as usual… Casual Juice and Yachty
Need some 6ix9ine lmao
"Hand on face" but still vibing hahaha
4:23 seconds

trying to get to the point where I can look at you again. Lmao that had my dying of laughter.
Please do more lil yachty his old stuff is crazy fire and underrated now a days, if you graduated in 2017 this was a huge rapper at the time and to me he is pure talent.
Man just discovers you today I’m already love u good to see people enjoy this song except me and saying older people like them makes me so happy
You could certainly react to the song or music video with the lyrics off on another tab to the side
R.I.P juice wrld
tom knows alexis texas?

who tf recommended this??? great song but for therapy reaction
03:21 bcz of he is a psychotherapist I thought he gon be kinda sad and thougtful or facepalm nd shit when juice said '' codeine what I sip, that shit comin strait from texas'' but bro went cheerin up like yeah yeah yeah yeah
Old white dude hype to this song… hope im that way when I’m old