Peste șase mii de marinari formează echipajul portavioanelor care trăiesc luni de zile pe mare. Facilitățile sunt disponibile la bord pentru a se asigura că acești marinari sunt confortabili și foarte motivați atunci când se ocupă de operațiuni pe un portavion. Unele dintre facilitățile pe care le-ați găsi pe un portavion includ o spălătorie care poate spăla și usca 50.000 de lire de îmbrăcăminte pe săptămână, o curățătorie chimică, un magazin de uniforme, cabinete stomatologice și medicale, un magazin de tutun, frizerie și chiar un magazin alimentar! Marinarii petrec cea mai mare parte a timpului pe mare și, ca urmare, nu au acces la aceeași varietate de facilități și facilități pe care le ai zilnic. Marina Statelor Unite a pus practic la dispoziția marinarilor săi tot ceea ce ar avea acces dacă ar fi staționați pe uscat. Acest lucru se face pentru a se asigura că marinarii rămân în cea mai bună condiție fizică posibilă și că moralul lor rămâne suficient de ridicat pentru a le permite să își îndeplinească sarcinile în mod eficient. Una dintre astfel de facilități este magazinul alimentar. Un magazin alimentar este de mare necesitate pe un portavion. Chiar dacă nu ține cont de faptul că mâncărurile nedorite vor menține moralul ridicat, există totuși o rațiune valabilă pentru ca navele să includă magazine de proximitate. Marinarii trebuie să păstreze o provizie de brici sau produse de igienă și alimente. Sunt tot felul de lucruri disponibile. Marina le-ar oferi unele dintre aceste lucruri marinarilor de la bordul unui portavion, dar uneori marinarii ar putea avea nevoie de anumite lucruri; pot obține cu ușurință asta în magazin. Magazinul are o medie de aproximativ 10.000 USD pe zi, cu peste 1050 de tranzacții. #portavion #usnavy #marinari
Cum cumpără marinarii US Navy în interiorul unui portavion
26 thoughts on “Cum cumpără marinarii US Navy în interiorul unui portavion”
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Cool video! Jw how do they pay for items? Regular credit cards or on service credit that is taken off their paychecks?
Should be super cheap
They get free jet fuel in the water as well!
I never even knew this was a thing 😂 should have went navy
Thanks to all who serve and have served.
With the tears of the innocent victims of their artillery fire & missiles.
"candy and chocolate are also available"
Me: I'm booking my reservation next week 🫦
And they wash all their snacks down with jet fuel
The job of working a coffee shop on board a aircraft carrier sounds pretty nice, already working retail/food service.
Edit: or maybe work the supply ships? Hmm.
There has to be shoplifting, even on a military vessel. Really curious if their shrink is inline with mainland convenience retail.
Looks like a depressing place to live and work months away from everything you truly love.
Good to know our men and woman can get a taste of home and comfort while they serve Ty all for your service
I think it is called the Military Sealift Command. But there is a Civilian Branch of the Department of Defense who's job it is to run the supply ships. They resupply Navy ships around the world and it is considered a very high paying job.
The thumbnail is clearly FUBAR, but lots of memories of waiting in line down passageways and stairwells in the 80s onboard the IKE hoping some new Cassette Tapes were available.
I won't lie that this is great for the Navy, but at the same time like damn. You join the Navy to most likely better yourself and not end up in a dead end retail job. Only to go straight into a retail job either way. Maybe some people enjoy it, idk.
I wish the school lunch rooms are important in the gov eyes too but things were starting to changes at my school with better food
0:28 this guy in the black polo that says “FIT BOSS” on the back, is he like a personal trainer in the navy?
Can any current or former military personnel answer my question?
That seems like a pretty cool job to be a personal trainer in the navy or other branches. If there are personal trainers are they soldiers/sailors as well? Or are they civilians on the ship?
Please answer my questions I’m really curious about that.
They should just get all of that stuff free.
They can give billions of dollars to countries that hate us but can’t give free cheetos to our sailors?! pathetic.
Retail service specialists….yeah, those are airwing airmen TAD to S2
Who is the robot narrating this shit?
Wow, our little ships store on the Hunley wasn't the size of my one bedroom apartment!
Why do these aircraft carriers exist anymore when we've ended all active wars? Why does the military budget go up AFTER we cease all major operations? Most countries don't even have aircraft carriers. Just seems like a racket to funnel hundreds of billions of dollars into the pockets of military contractors. And where does the military get off charging soldiers for grooming supplies? I understand selling snacks and stuff for morale, but razors and soap are extra?
Canned doritos? What!?
That's hilarious, they still have to go buy shit lmao.