08 | Navigand pe Marea Cortez, Parcul Național Marin Loreto

08 |  Navigand pe Marea Cortez, Parcul Național Marin Loreto

Ne-am continuat călătoria în susul Golfului California, oprindu-ne în frumosul port în formă de semilună de pe Isla San Francisco, înainte de a naviga spre nord, spre Puerto Escondido și Parcul Național Marin din Loreto. Acest sit al Patrimoniului Mondial UNESCO este plin de ancoraje frumoase pe insule, un oraș abandonat de minerit de sare și unele dintre cele mai bune vederi panaramice ale croazierei noastre de până acum. Am navigat pe lângă balenele și păstăile de delfini, viața bogată din mare contrastând cu accidentatul deșertului de pe uscat. După atât de mult timp petrecut pe mare, ne-am îndreptat și spre interior pentru a vedea o misiune istorică sus, în munți, la San Javier. Julia este o barcă din lemn construită tradițional, scânduri în brad pe rame de stejar. Ea a fost lansată în 1960 și este încă o barcă grozavă pentru a naviga pe oceanele lumii! Credite muzicale: Steps by Alex-Productions https://soundcloud.com/alexproductionsmusic Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/3pbVCj6 Muzică promovată de Audio Library https:// youtu.be/XLjhAB0A42c The Clock (instrumental) de RYYZN https://soundcloud.com/ryyzn Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/al-the-clock Music promovat de Biblioteca Audio https://youtu.be/Sf-DjaE_TeE


14 thoughts on “08 | Navigand pe Marea Cortez, Parcul Național Marin Loreto

  1. Thank you for having me dreaming. It really is a beautiful area to cruise. How much would I like to be with you. Anyway, I am an old man, a former sailor in the german merchant navy. I love to be on the sea. Your lovely pictures feed my imagination. Thank you so much !

  2. The only bad thing about you videos is that they end! I could watch that Ingrid sail forever. The gentlest of motion and by far the most beautiful yacht! Georgeous country that Baha!

  3. Your visit to San Javier was SO peaceful. The Bishop was in town for the celebration we found ourselves in. It was full immersion, shoulder-to-shoulder people wading through and kicking a carpet of aluminum cans about two cans deep across the ancient cobblestones. A carnival was operating on both sides of the street with food booths all along. There were at least 5000 people and no porta-potties. Some locals were renting-out their toilets. No bush within 100 feet of the outskirts of town was without a little patch of white blossoms. There was classic cabalgatos parading beautiful ranch people on their finest horses. Never to be forgotten.

  4. Hello enjoyed your videos. I have a wooden boat in Mexico, I took the same route as you, but unfortunately I got dismasted along the way. I cannot find any workers in Mexico who have any expertise with wooden boats. Is there any way I can contact you?

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