Cartelul mexican a furat cel mai mare iaht din curte construit în casă din lume (interviu complet)

Cartelul mexican a furat cel mai mare iaht din curte construit în casă din lume (interviu complet)

Clyde Stires, constructorul celui mai mare iaht construit în curte din lume, se așează cu nepotul său, de asemenea, Clyde Stires, pentru a discuta despre viața lui înainte, în timpul și după iaht. Cum a finanțat construcția? Chiar a construit-o singur? Cum a reușit cartelul să-l fure? Unde este barca acum? Asigurați-vă că vizionați în timp ce ascultați, deoarece am inclus sute de fotografii și videoclipuri vechi pentru majoritatea poveștilor. Film/Edit: Sauce / @saucetheboss Filmări suplimentare: Veesh / @veeshermang 2:00 – începutul vieții, abia trecând de școală 8:13 – locuri de muncă și afaceri 14:17 – afacerea de a construi triciclete în anii 1970, vânzând lui Elvis Presley și Johnny Graham 28:10 – cumpără prima sa barcă, navighează din Taiwan către California fără experiență de navigație, introduce accidental arme în Taiwan 42:15 – transformă un autobuz cu două etaje într-o caravana 45:00 – lichidează totul pentru a construi iahtul 46 :25 – să-ți dai seama unde să construiești iahtul 48:16 – poți ridica un iaht cu un elicopter rusesc mare? 50:31 – cumpărarea casei pentru a construi iahtul 51:10 – pregătirea pentru construcție, schițe, ridicare, construirea unui model, inginerie de bun simț 54:30 – construirea propriului aparat de apă 55:50 – planificarea să-l decupeze din începutul, transportul, asamblarea în apă 1:02:03 – detalii de construcție, făcând-o singur, băut 1:09:57 – cum a funcționat, caracteristici interesante 1:11:27 – motoarele nu erau mari suficient 1:13:39 – nu există nicio modalitate de a construi asta singur 1:15:12 – ai ascultat sfatul cuiva? 1:15:50 – ai construit iahtul cu intentie comerciala? 1:18:42 – schimbarea motoarelor, deplasarea, trecerea prin canalul Panama, dimensiunea recuzită 1:20:25 – economisirea de 20.000 USD vopsirea fundului pe un banc de nisip 1:21:25 – pornirea primului program de reciclare în Guatemala 1:24 :20 – ce ai fi schimbat la iaht? 1:26:00 – cartelul mi-a furat iahtul și mi-a răpit echipajul 1:29:35 – guvernul m-a sfătuit să nu depun acuzații 1:33:20 – aruncând echipajul într-o parcare, amenințăndu-i 1:34:13 – găsirea iahtului, trimiterea marinei mexicane să-l recupereze 1:40:53 – închis ca dovadă, nu-l pot primi înapoi 1:43:37 – condus patru ore în deșert pentru a întâlni o persoană puternică care poate ajuta 1 :48:45 – obținerea accesului, evaluarea daunelor 1:49:52 – Procesul legal mexican 1:54:13 – în sfârșit recuperarea acestuia 1:57:17 – nu mai este sigur să rămâi în Mexic, vânzând barca 1:58 :36 – la bord cu Tupac, Snoop Dogg, Alice Cooper, etc 2:00:48 – urmarirea, finalizarea proiectelor, incercari si erori, tratati oamenii asa cum ati vrea sa fiti tratati 2:06:06 – sfaturi pentru cei mai tineri generația 2:07:33 – prezentare foto Muzica introductivă: Periculoasă de Kevin MacLeod este licențiată în baza unei licențe Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. Sursa: Artist: Mexican Cartel Stole Cel mai mare iaht construit acasă din lume (interviu complet)


48 thoughts on “Cartelul mexican a furat cel mai mare iaht din curte construit în casă din lume (interviu complet)

  1. Such a Gem of a story
    Who would've thought StoryTime with Tommy Chong 😳from Cheech&Chong🤣
    What an amazing story brotha🤪🤙
    Happy 4u bro now relax if u can
    But u probably won't
    Always gotta find something to do
    Reminds me of myself
    Can't turn that switch off we're not wired that way
    U rock🖕🤪🤙

  2. I stumbled upon this video and damn, what a story. I am glad you lived to tell the tale, the cartels are notorious for leaving brutality in their wake. After watching this I had to binge watch all of your content. I came back to rewatch a few portions and post a comment.
    But anyway, what a beautiful and efficient design. Unlike most catamarans that appear blocky and unwieldy your design sits low in the water and has wonderful lines. It almost looks like a catamaran that Feadship may have designed and build in the 90's. Wonderful work sir!

  3. I am your cousin Barb Donohues granddaughter, so your cousin down the line too I suppose 😁 She told me all about you and how beautiful your catamaran was. She told me about the time you guys took the Mississippi to the gulf. I'm so sad to hear this happened. I really enjoyed watching all your excursions on Facebook. But I'll be checking in to see what you have up your sleeve next. Best wishes

  4. This is really cool and it sucks at the same time for this guy but I remember watching his YouTube videos of him building his boat it was amazing. And I found out about it through SV seeker the ship that quote the internet built this guy Doug built it in his front yard with the help of many people and he just got his in the water a couple months ago and it slowly testing and getting everything worked out to work you can eventually go from the river he's in now out to the ocean. If you've never seen SV seeker I strongly say you need to check his out it's amazing.

  5. Truly such an inspiring man such an amazing amount of talent randomly about a year ago or come across the videos in building his ship and I found out about it because of SV seeker if you never heard him I would suggest checking him out he built the steel Chinese junker in his front yard took about 7 years but now it's finally in the water

  6. The Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, he was crucified died and rose on the 3rd day. He shed his innocent blood for the remission of our sins. He paid the wages of our sin so that we could through him have eternal life. Please call out on his name so that you could have his free gift of salvation, and get to be in his presence for eternity. 😊😊😊💕💕💕💠💠💠💠❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏 God bless you, come join the family of Christ Jesus!!

  7. Wow, this guy and I are the same when it comes to building things…accept he does things on a larger scale than me, I am so excited to see this interview. I'm in the middle of a project and it gives me wind in my sails to keep trekking forward. Thanks

  8. I came across the video a few months ago ! I usually watch DIY videos for renovating R.V.s etc. I look up videos on building tiny houses I don't have the money to do so but it's my passion one day if I ever become rich I don't want to buy it I want to make it! Well my brothers dream is to own a yacht I figured I'll look up tips on building my own well seemed this man already did now I know I'm not the only one ! No i still don't have anything near that amount of money the knowledge is a learn as you go thing!

  9. Obviously from the video the boat wasn't built single handly. Self made millionaires billionaires no such thing. A delusion you didn't get some help along the way. Why do people say such things that are not true and impossible. Take a lifetime of pick and shoveling and so on and so just to gather the resources to produce the materials.

  10. Wow amazing story! My father passed away on August 16th and he reminds me of Clyde he was a hard worker that always did everything himself and if he didn’t know how to do something he would figure it out. My father didn’t finish High School he went in the Navy at 17 and after he got out of the Navy he worked hard and accomplished so much. Clyde you’ve had a awesome life with lots of accomplishments and so many memories. I really enjoyed listening to your interview and seeing all the photos of the bikes and boat you made and other photos.
    God Bless🙏🏻

  11. What a life and wow what a story ! If you make a movie of this event you could get the actor who played Gus Dufain from breaking bad and Better call Saul to play Clyve, he's a dead ringer and his character playes a get it done with no no-nonsense character.

  12. What a great story, so inspiring to see a man who will stand up and be counted when he is in the right. Cheers Clyde, you've made me believe in the old addage again …. "When things are at there worst, human beings are at their best" 👍

  13. This is the coolest guy I hadn’t heard of – humble, tenacious, intelligent, genuine, talented and respectful. Any hungry Directors out there the stories are the real deal and off the charts fascinating🤨

  14. Oh my god these two had me laughing so hard I got my abs back😂.
    Thank God for edit. I couldn't spell anything right the first time. Hell I probably still screwed something up😂

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