ÎN FINAL: Prima navigare după DOI ANI de reparații.

ÎN FINAL: Prima navigare după DOI ANI de reparații.

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27 thoughts on “ÎN FINAL: Prima navigare după DOI ANI de reparații.

  1. Congratulations on launching your new boat! Really enjoyed your video and seeing how fabulous your project turned out! Enjoy the fruit of your labor as you've both worked extremely hard to achieve perfection! Beautiful new home! I see many new ports and adventures off the horizon awaiting exploration by Magic Carpet 2. God, bless and keep you in His care. Sending 🤗🤗 CarrieJo/North Carolina, 🇺🇸

  2. Loved this. Reminds me of when i bought mu Hartley TS16 I had to do a total refit. Took me 12 months When i finally launched, I was afraid that i'd forgotten HOW to sail.. Cheers

  3. This boats stunning. Maybe did too good of a job on it as I'd be nervous to scratch it. You're going to have to scratch it up a bit fast so you can get over it.

  4. Sailing again, hurray!
    Thank you for this refreshing episode. What a long journey from the cristal clear Mediterranean sea, up to the muddy/brown water of the Netherlands. It's been a long way!
    Congratulations for the quality of the shooting, the editing and the very appropriate choice of the musics, as usual.

  5. Hello Aladino, At 14:40 in this video I saw something very interesting that caught my eye. On the end of the boom you have a Harken cheek block on a track. This setup allows control over the foot and leach when the mainsail is reefed. What are the other components? It looks like the Harken block is welded to a car that uses a spring loaded pin for placement. Did you build this or did it come from the spar maker like this? Who made your spars? I would like to use this idea on my boat. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

  6. I never realized you guys were actually in the Netherlands. Been watching your channel for so long and all the time thought you were in the usa.

  7. I noticed you being our neighbor in Medemblik. Too bad I didn’t catch you on board. Now I know you were working on your new cushions, that turned out great! I have been watching your channel for a while, and now found my own boat on it. Hope to see you (again) sometime in Medemblik!

  8. Hi there you two I have just started watching and loved your story from the beginning and loving the story I am going to watch the whole story so keep living your dream. I name is Barry Bush all the way from Melbourne Australia

  9. You guys are so happy, i love to sse that, i have been sailing my whole life among 12 years on dutcg clippers at the ijsselmeer in Hollnd , believe that was one of ythe best times in my life. I am thinking selling my house doewn town Amsterdam and pic the se air on a sayling yacht, with God permission. Stay safe and becarefull allways two hands for yiurself once on ship.

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