Bun venit la All The Stars Sailing!!

Bun venit la All The Stars Sailing!!

Îți place aventura? Vrei să înveți cum să trăiești pe o barcă cu vele? Îți place pescuitul sau videoclipurile „cum să” sau vrei doar să ne cunoști echipajul? Ei bine, ești în locul potrivit, așa că urcă-te la bordul All The Stars cu Jesse și Rachel în timp ce pornim spre următoarea aventură.


6 thoughts on “Bun venit la All The Stars Sailing!!

  1. You already know why I'm subscribed, don't you?
    You already know what I want to see more of…
    Love the promo vid, like all of your content. But you already knew that, too.

  2. Hey guys,why do we love your channel ? Now there’s a million dollar question! I really want to use the word “normal” when describing you pair however it is quite evident that your not in fact I would go as far as to say your both broken and that’s the charm of you both .
    I done something similar to you over thirty year’s ago now around the Mediterranean and then onto the Caribbean and back to the uk so I can relate to all the trials and tribulations you face with a sailing life except the nearly naked chef “ horrid memories of a burnt sausage “.
    But seriously it’s because your yourselves and not like so many of these sailing channels where everything is wonderful and perfect and full of bullshit.
    In short keep doing what your doing I love watching all your vlogs as the bring back some very good and happy memories of a misspent youth !!
    Take care both.
    From a salty old Pom.

  3. Hi guys, great promo video! I have watched all your episodes so I guess that tells you that you are doing something right. In saying that, as a sailor, I would like more sailing videos and how to do videos. Keep up the great work in sharing Australia to the world. Cheers from Iluka New South Wales.

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