10 cele mai PERICULOASE momente SailGP

10 cele mai PERICULOASE momente SailGP

Care este mai periculos? Cupa Americii sau SailGP? 🔔 ABONAȚI-vă pentru sfaturi și știri regulate de navigație: http://bit.ly/2OXBkeS 🛒 MAGAZIN ONLINE: https://fastforwardsailing.myspreadshop.co.uk/ Acestea sunt primele 10 cele mai dramatice momente SailGP ale noastre. Această compilație de Top 10 este plină cu: accidente, stropi și spargeri! Clipurile includ: Ben Ainslie se prăbușește cu Nathan Outeridge SailGP Australia Outeridge se prăbușește cu Jimmy Spithill în SailGP Bermuda 2021 Echipa Spania a lovit Team USA San Francisco 2021 Team GBR pitchpole și răsturnarea SailGP Spania 2021 Unele dintre cele mai dramatice momente vin din cursele din afara, așa că am a inclus și filmarea respectivă. Spune-ne momentul tău preferat SailGP! Credite: SailGP


8 thoughts on “10 cele mai PERICULOASE momente SailGP

  1. Fortunatly we haven’t seen someone get seriesly hurt by now besides that person receiving a brocken leg. The helmsman and the navigator behind them are so exposed if the bow of another boat was to come down on them. Good to see the Aussies staying out of trouble.

  2. I won't be surprised when someone dies in an F50 crash.
    100 klicks is a helluva speed to be going with nothing but a lightweight helmet as protection.
    But it is by far the most exciting yacht racing of all time.

  3. I live in chicago, and when Sail GP came to chicago back in june, I was sailing out there that morning. In the afternoon we came out on powerboats to watch from a distance, and eventually the wind got too high and everyone took down their sails except for Canada, who later capsized right before our eyes.

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