Cum să andocuri o barcă | Legarea unui iaht cu motor flybridge de 60 de picioare | Barcă cu motor și iahting

Cum să andocuri o barcă |  Legarea unui iaht cu motor flybridge de 60 de picioare |  Barcă cu motor și iahting

Când leagă orice barcă, mică sau mare, aceasta trebuie să atingă scopul de bază de a o asigura în siguranță și de a se asigura că va fi în continuare acolo când te întorci. O plimbare prin orice port de agrement va arăta o multitudine de moduri diferite de a face acest lucru, unele îngrijite și sensibile, altele mai puțin! Jon Mendez are acest sfat… ► Filmat și editat de Richard Langdon ( ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a MBY acum – ybwtv?sub_confirmation=1 ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre turnee, vizitați site-ul nostru aici – ► Dă Like-ne pe Facebook: ► Urmărește-ne pe Twitter: ► Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: ► Ce ai părut? Spune-ne în comentariile de mai jos! ► Amintiți-vă să apăsați butonul de LIKE și să vă abonați dacă v-a plăcut 🙂


29 thoughts on “Cum să andocuri o barcă | Legarea unui iaht cu motor flybridge de 60 de picioare | Barcă cu motor și iahting

  1. Thanks to Jon Mendez; For me motor boating and sailing in the Gulf of Mexico, Florida Keys, and Inter-coastal is an absolutely incredible experience. The expertise Jon shares has made my passion even more enjoyable, safe, and stress free. Thanks Jon!

  2. When they say "under-appreciated national treasure" if you don't include John Mendez then I'm not throwing you a lifebuoy when the storm hits.

  3. Many thanks, Jon and MBY, it's interesting to see how boats are properly secured. I hope to get some knowledge and experience from my local yacht club before hunting for my first (motor) boat as I'm in an inflatable kayak/canoe atm 😉

  4. Would you use cleat hitches rather than just the figure 8’s? I was always taught the cleat hitch provides the stronger hold?

  5. The man! I think the Jon Mendez ‘cool as a cumcumber’ approach to boating should be applied across life: your house is on fire – what would Jon say. You’ve got a parking ticket – what would Jon say. Your planes been hijacked – what would Jon say.

  6. I would not be surprised if Jon Mendez wears that life jacket everywhere. Not just on the boat. At work, at the gym, grocery shopping, at home, in the shower, at the dinner table and at bed.

  7. John is brilliant at educating us boating and boat handling. Please keep up the great work and cheers from the Sweetest Place on Earth, Hershey, PA USA !

  8. When we entered the marina on our 30 ton tsdy we only took the midship cleat to shore and tied tightly boat never moved leaving plenty of time to sort out the other lines .

  9. Thanks again Jon; I think I have seen every one of your videos, especially since acquiring my own motorboat earlier this year (which happens to also be based at Premier Swanwick. Low speed boat handling is the most interesting for me, and highly important as I discovered this week when a 50' MB lost an engine and collided with mine at her berth. It's all about time on the water and practice, and transitioning boat handling from a stressful to rewarding experience.

  10. Hi Jon, you mentioned stern to in the med, I find it hard to pull the boat forward on the bowlines to keep it clear of the dock in storms when I leave it. Other than using the engines, any tips on pulling in the very heavy lazy lines please? Thanks.

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