2022 Range Rover France Sail Grand Prix | Ziua 1

2022 Range Rover France Sail Grand Prix |  Ziua 1

Cursele de mare viteză se întâlnesc cu plină de farmec Riveria franceză în timp ce nouă echipe naționale se luptă la Range Rover France Sail Grand Prix | Saint-Tropez. Urmărește toată acțiunea în direct. Abonați-vă aici: https://bit.ly/2IZR3n4 Like SailGP Pe Facebook: http://sail.gp/facebook Urmăriți SailGP Pe Twitter: http://sail.gp/twitter Urmărește SailGP Pe Instagram: http://sail .gp/Instagram Rămâneți la curent cu buletinul informativ SailGP: http://sail.gp/signup SailGP navighează redefinit. Înființat în 2018 și cu sediul în Londra și New York, SailGP este un campionat sportiv anual, global, care oferă tehnologie îndrăzneață, de ultimă oră și atletism uimitor. Cursele de coastă, centrate pe fani, au loc în unele dintre cele mai emblematice porturi de pe glob și culminează cu o cursă de meciuri de 1 milion de dolari în care câștigătorul ia tot. Echipe naționale rivale din Australia, Danemarca, Franța, Marea Britanie, Noua Zeelandă, Spania și Statele Unite se luptă cu catamarane F50 supraalimentate identice, proiectate pentru curse intense la viteze electrizante care depășesc 50 de noduri (aproape 60 mph). #SailGP #Sailing #sport


37 thoughts on “2022 Range Rover France Sail Grand Prix | Ziua 1

  1. Hi Lisa,
    Great to see you and Jason still deeply into sailing. I remember you two sailing Hobie 16 in Buzios, Brazil some years ago. I used to sail the HC16 with my daughter, but she moved to Denmark and I ended up moving down to HC14 for some years. Now, all I do is watch, unfortunately. Keep up the great work and cheers from Brazil !!!!

  2. Are the commentary team paid to ruin the spectacle? Such a great days racing but too much chat and often the cameras are either looking at the wrong thing, the right thing too long or too much zoom. There's a lot happening and looking at a single boat for more than 4 seconds isn't necessary.

  3. Thank you Lisa for again turning the fluff stuff around the SailGP races in to such fun !
    Ensure that Rusty reads this.
    And don't give up your day job as champion medallist !
    Pretty from Oz 😉

  4. I'm surprised at all the "Burling was dangerous" comments from race 1. Drone footage showed him pushing up for ages before Slingsby belatedly over-reacted. Aussie error, suck it up!

  5. Please change the way the video coverage is produced and directed. It's impossible to follow the race; there are long stretches when we don't know the positions of the boats and are instead watching a single boat sailing along above the water, with no context. The first time you see those shots, they are exciting. But now we have seen the same shot 100 times already in the race, it tells us nothing, and is boring. The same with the on-board cameras. IT'S THE RACE THAT IS EXCITING, NOT PICTURES OF THE BOATS. Worst of all: cutting away from the heli just as the boats are rounding marks, to the camera-boat shots which look cool in the highlight reel but don't tell us anything and just obscures what happens in the race. If a crash happens, you've got it on ISO anyway, right? or do yourself a favor, ditch the heli and all the cams and get a few drones for a lot less money and better coverage.

  6. Please, please, if you insist on talking in kph at least have knots in numbers next to the kph display. Have them smaller and in brackets but come on. Don't even mention knots but you guys must know that pretty much all the REAL fans want to see knots, especially when it is a big fast day like this was. I sit there watching and constantly looking down and typing into my iphone speed conversion app. You don't even have to mention knots but just keep the number up there. For anyone who is a sailor, this is infuriating.

  7. Commentators, I know it's a tough job coming up with things to say sometimes but please…. could you retire the phrases "The rich get richer" and " to finish first, first you have to finish" and so many other irritating glib aphorisms. I'd rather hear you tell me what you had for lunch that listening to the glib aphorisms on a loop. I get that your job is twofold as tough compared to most sports commentators. You have to comment on the race and also sell the sport to newbies. Not something other more established sports have to contend with. However you can easily fall between too stools which to me, is what you guys are in danger of. It can be off-putting when the whole race is also a very long commercial for the sport. It's over egging the pudding and to me, now we are in season three, it is a net loss for newbies and die hard fans. The sport IS amazing, it IS ground breaking but maybe now it's time to let it speak for itself a little more and time for commentators to be allowed to do just the one job of sports commentating and leave the advertising to others.

  8. Slingsby crying like a little girl “ we would have given him the position “ lol I call BS on that! You got caught out in a crap position, and burling punished you lol. Suck it up mate

  9. Great work by the production team lining this one up.
    56:27 "… they did the smart thing. It's no ill feelings from me when someone does it back to me, it's uh, just the game we play."
    57:31 "… we would have happily given them the position… Now we have got all this damage because Pete Burling wanted one extra point. It's ridiculous."
    The race camera clearly showed the Australians in full race mode trying to go over the top and they definitely would have beaten the New Zealand boat to the line if they didn't luff them. Giving up the position? Hardly. What did Tom expect? Pete to pick up the phone and ask him nicely if they could let them win? Doubt it. Game on. Every point counts. Glad they were able to repair their boat though.

  10. Tom Slingsby complaining about being luffed is a bit juvenile….. it’s one of the very basic rules of yachting, Windward boat keeps clear, and he complains because he’s on the wrong end of the action, but he would do EXACTLY the same thing if the situations we’re reversed!
    That’s just boat racing!

  11. The most frustrating commentary ever. Too many cooks. Commentary team highlighting niff naff events, but totally missing GB issue in race 2 for about 5 minutes. Don’t know who the female in race commentator is, but it’s painful. Telling us the bloody obvious all the way through. Stop telling us that the teams are going to have to be careful, or have to go fast, or are going to get wet; we know that. Concentrate on the action and what is going on.

  12. Gotta say, the daft commentator choosing to deliberately insult sailors by saying "in old money" every time he refers to knots does add insult to injury in the knots debate when it comes to appealing to sailors. Why try to alienate your natural audience while attempting to appeal to a larger crowd? The ridiculous tone and mouth moving waaay faster than brain surely does a good enough job of that?

  13. Too much grandstanding, then the race coverage is spotty and incomplete. I'm not sure that the announcers know anything about the rules of racing because there is never any conversation about this crucial aspect of racing. Just show us the complete race with less and more intelligent commentary. Also tell us more about the technical aspects of the boats.

  14. 99.9 kilometers per hour? 62 mph. Loved the Frenchman, 'the cavitation and vibration makes things very uncomfortable on the boat'. And I think it's exciting when the board on my Laser starts to 'hum'?

  15. Sorry Tom,but if you were ok admitting you were not on you could have hardened up and played safe with a gambit.
    Outsailed in the one on one,don't make excuses.

  16. spectacularly poor commentary – boats copping penalties and/or having technical issues, but not even mentioned by the commentary let alone explained. If they're not there to inform the viewer about what is going on, then what are they doing? I don't need them to tell me which boat is which or that they're going "fast" – the graphics show that clearly.

  17. Really infuriating that, multiple seasons in, we're still having the same issue with the camera cutting to close ups when the leader finishes, rather than showing the action still going on behind!

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