NEAJUTAT PE ANCORA! NE-A RETURNAT….. este timpul pentru o bună ole’ CATCH (UP) & COOK • S3:Ep1

NEAJUTAT PE ANCORA!  NE-A RETURNAT..... este timpul pentru o bună ole' CATCH (UP) & COOK • S3:Ep1

Obțineți 70% REDUCERE la următorul cuțit Huusk! Salut, băieți și BINE ați venit la sezonul 3! dintre aventurile noastre navigate la bordul iahtului nostru cu vele HOLLY BLUE! Astăzi ne amintim puțin – vă ducem într-un flashback prin viața noastră de iarnă pe bărci… înainte rapid până la prima noastră navigare a sezonului când s-a întâmplat cel mai rău și am fost blocați în ancorajul nostru, neajutorati de o defecțiune a motorului! Terminând cu un pic distractiv de captură și gătit….. sperăm să vă bucurați de acest stil „altfel” de episod și să rămâneți pentru următorul… Lăsați-ne un comentariu! și dacă ești nou aici, te rog să dai LIKE, SUBSCRIBE și să spargi clopoțelul pentru mai multe videoclipuri! Toată dragostea noastră de la Ross, Laura, Joshy și Noah xx Site-ul nostru – Patreon – Muzica este de aici : Site-ul BOATFIT: ** REDUCERE DE 50% LA PRIMA LUNĂ CU ACEST COD: BF50 ** YouTube: .com/channel/UCqyvL4gh-QG2vS6Kt6YUR5Q Alte MEDII: Instagram: .colledge/ Facebook: LAURA ONLINE COACHING Instagram: @lauraj_fitforlife Twitter: @LauraJFitforlife Pagina de Facebook: Laura J Fitforlife Servicii de dieta, fitness și coaching de viață @laurajfitnesspage #Boatlife #Sailing #S3Ep1


35 thoughts on “NEAJUTAT PE ANCORA! NE-A RETURNAT….. este timpul pentru o bună ole’ CATCH (UP) & COOK • S3:Ep1

  1. 🙋hi from Scotland hi great to see you back I am just back from leros my brother and his wife live In alinda with a house looking down to the sea you can see the ferrys coming and going I had a great time such a beautiful island tale care

  2. Yippeeee. So good to see you back. Can’t wait to see more adventures. Sailing adventures that is. Not sure how long you can keep going to the fish market tho. Lol. I wish I was there. Love you all, thanks for sharing your life and adventures with all of us.

  3. Btw those sea basses were 99.9% farmed. Sea bass and gilt-head bream are farmed en masse in Greece and Turkey. There is a tiny chance they were feral farm escapees as there is lots of farming taking place around that area. I hope you didn't pay a wild price for them.. Prices for wild ones are at 20-30 euro/kg uncleared and wild sea bass are a rare catch indeed. Nothing very wrong with the farmed ones if they farmed responsibly but you can easily tell the difference when eating them.

  4. Lovely to see you guys again. My go to sauce recipe for anything shell fish (prawns, crayfish) as well as any fish is a lemon garlic butter sauce. I use 2 medium lemons and put it on a low simmer for 3 – 5 minutes to cook all the acid out, add 2 table spoons of crushed garlic to the lemon sauce, add some margarine 3 – 5 teaspoons and simmer for 3 more minutes before adding about 250ml of cooking cream. Add salt and pepper to taste and when the sauce is as desired you are done. Of course you can play and find your own measurements of these ingredients to get the balance of butter, garlic and lemon that you prefer but this is the rough recipe I use and it is amazing so if you guys do carry on a kitchen theme episode please try this out cause it would have been amazing with the 2 cracking fish Ross "caught" or should I say acquired. Hope to see my recipe on one of your videos.

  5. Great video! So happy to have Season 3 start. Loved your overview of winter in Leros, I'm sure the boys enjoyed "landlife" And before I forget to say it, Laura , you are a beautiful woman.

  6. Awesome!!! Missed ya all! 10/10 on the food !! Wouldnt mind a cook out episode once in a while ya all got so much to do!! Congrats on Season 3!! Fair winds n Seas!! Welcome back!!

  7. Your videos are awesome. Really enjoyed the boat work side of this episode!

    Boat needs to be maintained, would love to see more of it thrown in

  8. You have the best music of every other sailing channel…..I watch only for the music….just kidding! I love your boys 🥰 you guys are real and no acting like all others! When Laura’s upset she’s not afraid to show it and I love that😍 Safe sailing ⛵️❤️

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