My KISS Wind Generator – S-a OPRIT ROTIRE! (Casa de cărămidă Sailing #84)

My KISS Wind Generator - S-a OPRIT ROTIRE!  (Casa de cărămidă Sailing #84)

Rebecca Childress și Michael Hayward pe barca cu pânze Brick House ajung în Le Marin, Martinica și trebuie să repare generatorul eolian KISS… acesta a încetat să se învârtească brusc – totul este blocat. Deoarece generatorul nostru eolian nu mai se mai învârtise înainte, am simțit că sunt magneții din generatorul eolian și trebuia să trimitem magneți noi pentru a repara generatorul eolian, generatorul eolian KISS furnizează cea mai mare parte a energiei electrice pe barca noastră cu pânze, împreună cu energie solară și, cu excepția cazului în care doream să rulăm generatorul portabil Honda sau motorul diesel tot timpul, trebuia să ne reparăm generatorul eolian cât mai repede posibil. Uneori trebuie doar să-ți repari vechea barca cu pânze înainte de a putea juca într-un port nou. Lucrul frumos despre generatorul eolian KISS este că este ușor de reparat aproape oriunde în lume, așa că este grozav pentru o barcă cu pânze care se află într-o circumnavigație! ▬ Urmăriți-vă! ▬▬ ✩Instagram: ✩ Twitter: ✩ Facebook: ✩Blogul nostru: :http :// ✩Youtube: ✩Tshirts și altele: Sprijină-ne să continuăm să vină videoclipurile: 🍯(Tip Jar ) ⏩ PATREON: ⏩ Înscrieți-vă pentru un abonament GRATUIT aici: ⛵️ DOUĂ CURSURI GRATUITE DE SAILING: ⏩Începeți cumpărăturile pe Amazon aici: ⏩Tshirts and other: # sailingAfrica #PatrickChildressSailing #TravelsAnimals #sailing #sailboats Alăturați-vă acestui canal pentru a obține acces la avantaje: Music Credits Islandesque de Kevin MacLeod este licențiat sub o licență Creative Commons Attribution (Atribuire Creative Commons) Sursa: Artist: Santo Rico de Twin Musicom este licențiat în baza unei licențe Creative Commons Attribution ( Artist:


25 thoughts on “My KISS Wind Generator – S-a OPRIT ROTIRE! (Casa de cărămidă Sailing #84)

  1. Great to see your progress! Sorry to hear about the failure, at least it's reparable! Once the magnet's gone, the preload and friction are gone so the screw will fall out. In future worth trying the pinpunch method for removed screws (make an indent around the perimeter then angle the punch and drive the screw around)

  2. I liked this video, it was like a thriller and I was glad that everything worked out well.
    I am by no means an expert on maintenance and repairs, so I have no points of view there.

  3. Most cruisers do not consider wind generators to be cost effective for generating consistent power. Solar and regen props are more cost efficient by far. How effective is that wind generator in doldrums. Quit repairing the damned thing and replace it with something that actually works. Seems silly to me to pursue it with everything else out there.

  4. Hi Rebecca, you anchored near me at Carriacou, I have the Belgian Melanois. Is there somewhere I can message privately with you? Thanks, Good Video. My KISS blue up 4 years ago.

  5. Tape is fine when applied perfectly. In well connections with higher quality than China cheap tape each lead 3x then whole cable.
    Funny when some don't understand why we use wind generators. Next year I choose a higher quality self managing one.

  6. This was a really cool video showing the magnet removal and replacement process on the KISS turbine. Moat other brands probably would not be repairable like that. Impressive. It's too bad you didn't have the right Phillips tip for your hand impact tool. I bought an extra expanded 10-piece set of impact tips for ours since we had destroyed some of the basic 4 that came with the tool. These impact tools are a life-saver and a labor-saver too. I've used them on the outboard even with socket wrenches on stubborn bolts on the lower unit and to get the flywheel off.

    Wind turbines are neat but they are not nearly as maintenance-free as our solar panels. They do make power at night and on cloudy days though which is something solar panels just can't do. We have a Primus Air Breeze on our boat which we recently upgraded to from an ancient and anemic Rutland Windcharger that was so old they no longer made blades for it.

    We love the quiet and poweful Air Breeze but you are right that it doesn't make more than a tiny fraction of an amp under 10kt even though it starts spinning at the slightest air movement. 0.04 amp is really not that useful but does show up on the meter at least. At 10kt it makes about 1A and then rises in a curve topping out around 20A at 20kt on our 12v system according to our cheap Chinesium shunt power meter I have installed for the turbine. Primus has charts on their website and we find they are pretty truthful when it comes to our 200w Air Breeze. They claim it tops out briefly at 250w at around 20kt then throttles down to 200w at higher winds to protect the turbine and we see that playing out on our meter.

    This past spring I barely touched one blade on our turbine while sounding the bottom with a boat hook off the transom in a very shallow anchorage. Oops! It wasn't spinning very fast in light winds but that mistake still put a bit of a chip into one of the three fiberglass blades so we ordered a replacement set from eMarine. I didn't feel safe in the cockpit or on deck knowing there was a chip that could propagate into a crack that could cause instant catastrophic blade disassembly while operating over our heads. So we took the safe course to replace them as a set.

    Unfortunately the Post office damaged all three new blades in shipment when they crushed the box somehow. It took a few weeks to get that first set and then a couple of months more for the second since everything is so hard to source these days. They were back -ordered for quite a long time. The new blades are installed now and the turbine has never been quieter. They must be improving them over time. We will have to be more careful now in the future with a boat hook or carrying anything on the aft deck that can reach up high enough to engage those dangerous spinning blades! If it had been blowing harder the boat hook could have shattered one of the blades and been very bad standing under it.

  7. A excellent view thanks so very much for sharing this with us! Appreciate your efforts and quality Video's! Luv&Peace Rebecca Cheers from Sask Canada!🙂

  8. Old corroded screws even with the worlds most horrible Phillips head can often be freed up with a sharp whack with a hammer on the end of the screwdriver.

  9. Well done! My quandary with my old Ampair 100 unit was….anchor close to the beach – no wind. Anchor a mile out – wind. But we always wanted to be close to the beaches/shore (poor inflatable/engine combo!). Thanks, Andrew

  10. Hey Michael totally agree with your methods with the sicka I use the same method with my windows on my old gal on her windows and not a leak in over 20 years 👍.
    Great video guys keep em coming 😁

  11. There's the "right" way to a job when your in a place where all the necessary parts are available affordably, then there's the "good enough" way to do the job when you're living in the real world 🤣For anyone complaining about electrical tape, try living in the real world. Heat shrink is nice when it's available, waterproof heat shrink (with glue/goo inside) is even better when it's available, but electrical tape is perfectly acceptable the rest of the time (I remember the bad old days, before heat shrink existed, and there were even more evil alternatives to plastic electrical tape)

  12. Hey Rebecca and Michael so great to see a new Sailing Brickhouse update. Great job on the wind turbine repair. So great to see you both having a great time together and wishing you both the best. Cheers!

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