Acest videoclip este o plimbare prin noul trimaran Rapido 40 care tocmai a fost proiectat de Rapido și Morrelli & Melvin. Videoclipul a fost filmat în Phuket în septembrie 2022, imediat după ce nava a fost livrată din Vietnam. Mai multe detalii despre trimaranele Rapido 40 și Rapido găsiți la acest link:
Trimaran Speed 40

21 thoughts on “Trimaran Speed 40”
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Blessings & Enjoy!!!
Very beautiful boat thanks for the tour
Thanks Jay Spirit II ? Nice tour all the best to you both maybe catch up in Aus
Thanks for the vid review! Good to see all the detail
Thanks for the tour!
Hey Jason, I think they need to let you shake it down and review its performance characteristics.
Great post my friend. I have dreams of building my own Trimaran……

Love your style, where are you headed next?
Have a great day
One of the nicest walk through trimaran tours I have seen – thank you.
Thank you great to see Jas ..
Great to hear your voice again and to also to gain your experienced insights on this design – so differences to Spirit!
Thanks Jase lovely tri.
I'm in Phuket now could I see her?
This is one of my absolute favorite boats. I would like to see it with a tilting wheel style helm kind of like the SiriusWerft 40DS instead of a tiller setup. Kinda wish Rapido would have moved the settee aft and placed the nav station facing forward in front of the settee.
ok, the design is debateable , the interior looks like a mess. Not very nice. Also the finish quality is not good as you could see for example on the draws that were opened.
Amazing tri. So glad it's finally out. But the camera work was making me ill!
Super boat
Come over to Krabi Boat Lagoon
Love your tour of the 40 I would love to see tours similar of rapidos other boats
Number One You Tube Channel. 'Sailing La Vagabonde' are about to pick up their new Rapido 40 very soon after leaving their Outremer 48 Catamaran.
Thanks much for the tour. She's beautiful and functional, and very likely very fast. I'm sure some people don't "get it", but this looks a wonderful, modern, performance trimaran, and it's great that Rapido is making them available.