Pentru a obține o sursă de vitamina D pentru 1 an + 5 pachete individuale de călătorie GRATUIT cu prima achiziție, accesați Navigarea în Azore a fost plină de experiențe incredibile. Drumarea unui vulcan, înotul cu rechinii, respingerea cascadelor, a fost o goană de adrenalină după alta și scufundarea în aceste aventuri imediat după navigarea peste Atlantic a fost puțin obositoare. Săptămâna aceasta, în sfârșit, încetinim puțin și ne bucurăm de aspectele mai subtile ale vieții în aceste insule îndepărtate. Dar în Azore, chiar și o săptămână cu cheie redusă este destul de epică în comparație cu standardul nostru normal.
Treceți pe Pagina noastră Patreon, unde cei mai mari fani ai noștri contribuie la realizarea acestor videoclipuri.
Ochelari de soare: Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: Sails: https: // Ancoră primară: Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: Amplificator pentru telefon mobil, Weboost Drive X RV: /wilsonelectronics/51785478 Prognoza meteo: Keen Footwear:
Sunete epidemic
Do you think that sea level rise is real? My dad works at NASA and he says there's an open conspiracy among the upper administration that the climate change hysteria is exaggerated for political control/power.
I wonder if anyone in the world ever made cheese from Human milk. Makes ya think a bit about it, doesn't it. "Food for thought?" lol If you can make cheese from the milk of a cow can't you make cheese from the milk of a human? as much as I am questioning why we do this as humans…… at the same time… I FREAKING LOVE CHEESE THOUGH 🙂
Be careful when y'all getting near Spain, there are orcas attacking boats especially the rudders..
So excited for you on this pregnancy journey. Would love to hear more about how your feeling and side shots of the growth of your belly. BTW that breakfast looked amazing as well as the chicken salad.
Eye candy everywhere you look
Tie your pee-matt to a rope, and drag it behind the boat. 😊
Great video! Thanks for sharing.
Were you affected by TS Gaston?
By now september you should already be in Malta. I would realy like to mert you guys .
Safe seas!i love your videos! In your way to Malta, are thinking to stop in the south off Portugal? I would love to meet you and to show you the views…
Do you need to do anything special for the pup to be allowed on islands when you sail around?
Enjoyed watching the pictures of the Azores and the lifestyles. Things have definitely change, I was stationed at Ladgers field on the island of Terracea in 1965 with the Air Force.
Time to set new goals Jordan!!!
Was away on Nantucket so I'm seeing this tonight. Jordan, the thing about "goals" is you get to keep moving the goal post! Great vid and Des, you look awesome. Pregnant women take on a glow………….Bossman
Hi guys, hope you’re both good, in Malta on holiday, just seen you boat in the marina😊👍 we’re off on a sail around Malta today, weather looks good👍😊👏⛵️❤️
What a fantastic video. Jordan's ending remarks were very poignant!
When a pregnant lady swims, she is a human submarine
Another great video and the Azores look amazing. Safe sailing and can't wait for the next.
Desiree looks like the most beautiful, happy and content woman in the world. What an adventure you have on yer boat. THANK YOU for such a loving, interesting video.