Nu-l înfuria pe Ben Ainslie! De 4 ori Ainslie a mers în modul Hulk…

Nu-l înfuria pe Ben Ainslie!  De 4 ori Ainslie a mers în modul Hulk...

Sir Ben Ainslie este cel mai de succes marinar olimpic din toate timpurile. Câștigă 4 medalii de aur și 1 de argint. La clasa Finn și la clasa Laser. 🔔 ABONAȚI-VĂ pentru sfaturi și știri regulate de navigație: ➡️ SPRIJINĂ CANALUL: De la începutul carierei sale de navigație, Ainslie și-a dezvoltat o reputație ca un concurent nemilos care nu a acceptat bine ca oamenii să îi împiedice să câștige. Pierzând aurul în Atlanta 1996, Ainslie și-a perfecționat abilitățile caracteristice de curse de meciuri. Acest videoclip detaliază momente de la Cupa Monsoon, Jocurile Olimpice din 2000 de la Syndey, Navigația Olimpică din 2012 de la Londra și SailGP. ⛵️ SFATURI DE NAVIGARE DE LA EXPERȚI: 🛒 MAGAZIN ONLINE:


37 thoughts on “Nu-l înfuria pe Ben Ainslie! De 4 ori Ainslie a mers în modul Hulk…

  1. What a disgrace that you have the name J P Morgan on the side of your boat. They are the biggest criminal enterprise in the history of the world. Its like taking money from Mafia!

  2. All this is what ruins yacht racing for me. If only it was just about getting around a course quicker than everyone else, taking into account tides, wind shifts etc.

  3. I felt the penultimate race in Weymouth 2012 showed more genius by Ainslie than the final. In the penultimate, Ainslie pushed out Hogh-Christiansen, then in 2nd, far enough to allow the another competitor (the Swede?) to insert himself in second position between Ainslie and H-C, then Ainslie scooted for the line. That showed incredible creativity, courage and judegement of distance. The spectators in Weymouth were looking at each other not quite believing their eyes that this was Ainslie's plan. They were thrilled when he pulled it off.

  4. I don't get it, why this behaviour is still praised and accepted by so many. I see a man, who is a victim of and reacts badly to the pressure he and his surrounding put on him.

  5. That thing at the top mark in Atlanta was a totally clear cut port and starboard, with Ainsley on port at the moment of contact, and then gybing into the windward boat position. So, failure to give way twice.

  6. Ansile, what a shitty loser of a competitor. He'd rather sink the ship than be a solid athlete. Cheap twat!!

  7. Thank you for posting this. Gives me a whole new perspective on the 'sportsman' sir Ben Ainslie. I agree with the comments below – disgraceful. Can't believe anyone applauds this kind of behaviour. What a poor role model.

  8. Our sport's #1 scumb bag brat. I dont care how good you are, and yah in a Finn he was a force, he should have had a multi year ban for that thing in the camera boat. they gave him a CBE instead.

  9. “You haven’t won the race, if in winning the race you have lost the respect of your competitors”. [the great dinghy sailor] Paul Elvstrom

  10. "Sir" Ben Ainslie is the most unsportmanlike competitor in the world, although with the biggest ego. Just look at how he refused to receive the 2nd prize after having been steamrolled by the Italians in the last Prada Cup. And his body language during the press conferences. Disgusting.

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