Înlocuirea lanțului de ancorare este o durere în fund – Lazy Gecko Sailing Ep. 229

Înlocuirea lanțului de ancorare este o durere în fund - Lazy Gecko Sailing Ep.  229

Ne întoarcem la show-ul ambarcațiunii la care am participat recent și vă arătăm o mică surpriză! Apoi ne întoarcem la asta. De data aceasta, ne înlocuim întregul lanț de ancore și ne reconfiguram dulapul pentru ancore prin… Tăiindu-l? Da! Vino la plimbare! Consultați NOUA noastră pagină web la www.lazygeckos.net Alte link-uri: Server: Vizitați serverul nostru privat vizitând www.lazygeckos.net și făcând clic pe VIDEOS Patreon: Deveniți Patreon la www.patreon.com/lazygeckos Instagram: Vrei mai mult LGS? Urmărește Instagramul nostru public @lazygeckosailing Urmărește Instagram-ul personal al lui Brittany @lgsbrittany VA ROG ABONAȚI-VĂ! Link-uri la canalul Vimeo: pentru a vedea imagini suplimentare distractive în noile noastre videoclipuri din sezonul 9, vă rugăm să vizitați canalul nostru Vimeo din sezonul 9 la: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason9 Vizualizați celelalte sezoane Vimeo folosind link-urile de mai jos! Sezonul 8 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason8 Sezonul 7 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason7 Sezonul 6 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason6 Sezonul 5 https://vimeo.com/ondemand /lazygeckoseason5 Sezonul 4 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason4 Sezonul 3 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason3 Sezonul 2 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason2 Sezonul 1 https://vimeo.com /ondemand/lazygeckosailing


39 thoughts on “Înlocuirea lanțului de ancorare este o durere în fund – Lazy Gecko Sailing Ep. 229

  1. 20 years of sailing and I have had to use two anchors in tandem numerous times. Went through two hurricanes and never moved. The second anchor acts as a kellett and the primary digs in. A great skill to have.

  2. Jeremiah makes everything look so simple, needless to say he couldn’t possibly do these things without the help of a good woman, anyone know where we can find one !!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  3. Hmmm, I have used two anchors several times. When anchoring in a tidal stream, I did not want the boat to swing so I anchored fore and aft. Check out also Bahamian rig anchoring. Two anchors on one rode can also be very useful in storms, a secondary anchor on a short 10' piece of chain attached to the main rode acts as a kellet, guaranteeing when the winds shift your main anchor gets a chance to reset. Just saying.

  4. Line, please. Ropes are made of wire. Lines of fiber, nylon, hemp, etc. Would think a guy that had been a member of a Naval branch would know.

  5. Loved when the Swab ask why does stuff always break 🙄 and Captain J is like cause you live on a boat …lol haha 😄 Jeremiah is the man 👍have learned so much from him fixing stuff over the years!

  6. Jeremiah, I was so going to give you shit for safteywiring with regular pliers and then you beat me to it with the a/c safteywire pliers.
    Great episode as usual!

  7. I'm surprised the use of the grill is allowed in a marina. Most Marinas in the Northeast don't allow cooking with open flames outdoors.

  8. Why not just remove the screws on the chain locker diviver board to remove it? A little sealer in the holes and done…

  9. Lots of stuff going on there, so many things you have to do to keep sailing smoothly but if you know what you're doing, good deal. I'll catch you later Jeremiah and Brittany a cute little son, gosh is he growing up. Thanks and catch you next time around.

  10. Please tell us you and the Lazy Gecko are safe from this monster hurricane hitting Florida. Our hops and prayers are with your family and equipment.

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