De ce navighez peste Atlantic cu cel mai mic iaht din lume!

De ce navighez peste Atlantic cu cel mai mic iaht din lume!

Microyacht-ul Big C al lui Andrew Bedwell are puțin peste 1 m. lung. Anul viitor intenționează să doboare recordul mondial pentru cea mai mică navă care a traversat vreodată Atlanticul. Iată-l la Southampton Boat Show, explicând motivația din spatele acestei provocări nebunești!


9 thoughts on “De ce navighez peste Atlantic cu cel mai mic iaht din lume!

  1. If I said I intended crossing the Atlantic in the smallest sailboat ever my lot would lock me in the dungeons. They say if there is no microwave, dishwasher, washer dryer & espresso machine it's far too risky.

  2. What a crap interview. The camera didn't pan over the boat a single time. Seriously, the whole point is the small size of the boat so let us see the d**n boat!

  3. I tell you something if you could that in that without going completely insane then there is literally nothing would effect you.

  4. I am following closely. I look forward to you being hammered to death by the Atlantic. Can't wait. I'm going to even bring some popcorn.

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