După 2 ani de reparații – ÎNCEPE CĂLĂTORIA! [Chpt 1]

După 2 ani de reparații -- ÎNCEPE CĂLĂTORIA! [Chpt 1]

Canalul nostru este posibil de tine! Consultați contul nostru Patreon pentru a obține acces la actualizări săptămânale în timp real (în timpul sezonului de ambarcațiuni), acces anticipat la videoclipuri și poate chiar scrisori surpriză scrise de mână livrate în căsuța dvs. poștală. Patronii sunt cei care mențin acest canal în viață! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=13249792 Magic Carpet II este un Cape George 36, construit în Port Townsend, WA în 1982. Coca și balastul ei au fost construite de Cape George Marine Works, iar restul a fost terminat de către proprietarul inițial. Consultați site-ul nostru pentru a afla mai multe despre noi: https://sailingmagiccarpet.com/ Dacă doriți să ne susțineți, dar patreon nu este lucrul dvs., puteți face o donație o singură dată prin PayPal și vă vom trimite multe multumesc in schimb!! https://www.paypal.me/aladinorovegno Lucruri care ne plac: (link-uri afiliate marcate cu *) *PANTALONI DE LUCRU A lui ALADINO: https://gtly.ink/ltMFKBUSO SIA SANDPAPER: șmirghel elvețian de înaltă calitate, care nu se fulgeră sau lăsați un finisaj neuniform: https://siaabrasives.com/en-gb/ BEST COAST CANVAS: șorțuri, halate, jachete și alte articole din pânză lucrate manual. Totul facut la comanda. https://bestcoastcanvas.com/ CAPE GEORGE MARINE WORKS: șantierul unde a fost construită barca noastră. Situat în Port Townsend WA, lucrează de înaltă calitate pe bărci în stil tradițional. De asemenea, pot construi bărci noi la comandă. https://capegeorgecutters.com/ Vezi muzica Mayei pe Spotify și iTunes! SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3ypa1AKDFqSOP6Cg2GX53p?si=SLM8H6ZPR4CXyDtaqVDWGA iTUNES: https : / / muzica . măr . com / ca / ​​artist / maya – eliza / 1 5 1 8 1 8 6 7 5 6 Suntem pe instagram la @SailingMagicCarpet Color gradat cu Phantom Luts de Joel Famularo Adresa noastră de e-mail este doar pentru întrebări de afaceri, vă rog! Dacă aveți o întrebare de afaceri sau o altă propunere, vă rugăm să ne trimiteți un e-mail la SailingMagicCarpet (la) gmail.com


38 thoughts on “După 2 ani de reparații – ÎNCEPE CĂLĂTORIA! [Chpt 1]

  1. Magic Carpet is stunning, well done you two. Now comes your repayment for all your hard work. Loved seeing Europa and Soren Larson again. They were both in my home area of the Bay of Islands NZ . Soren was here for some time with Jim Cottier as skipper, perhaps when your folks were aboard. Let's here more of your beautiful violin Maya.

  2. nothing wrong with opinions providing your knowledgeable on your topic btw you be safe out there and take your sweet time in making your wise decisions, whatever route you decide. God bless …

  3. I live on an Alberg 30, a boat similar to Magic Carpet. As a single handed live aboard sailor I utilize sheet-to-tiller steering as it provides the sailing advantages you described regarding wind vane steering with these additional advantages:
    – utilizing the same sails that power the boat to also steer the boat on any apparent wind course is a simpler and more robust and yet more elegant system than either a wind vane or autopilot system;
    – the system needs no maintenance, and is less susceptible to mechanical failures and thereby also provides a backup for a wind vane or autopilot system should a failure happen while cruising;
    – it allows smaller boats with tillers to eliminate the additional weight and cost of a wind vane system hanging off the stern (Webb Chiles utilized sheet-to-tiller steering on his most recent singlehanded circumnavigation in a Moore 24);
    – it doesn’t detract in any way from the beauty of the boat or the boat transom;
    – it is an additional and enjoyable sailing/seamanship skill, as rewarding to master and continually improve upon as the skill of sailing itself.
    The source I recommend for learning how to set up proper sheet-to-tiller steering is Chapter 3 of the book “Self Steering for Sailing Craft” by John S. Letcher, Jr. In Chapter 3 he describes several different ways to setup a sheet-to-tiller self steering system. The book is out of print but is sometimes available as a free PDF or as a used book.
    Like learning to sail without any hands on instruction the self-taught learning curve can at times be frustrating, but the rewards of honing the skill are great. Once mastered I believe you will find it to be as fundamental to being a complete sailor as learning how to reef a sail or how to hove-to effectively. If at all interested I can offer some advice an clarifications to John S. Letcher, Jr.’s book, learned through many months of trial and error.
    But my primary reason for suggesting this is that I believe you are best situated to learn and then pass on this valuable but little appreciated skill to other sailors

  4. I'm wondering if you are not anchored what do you do at night like do you just stay awake? Or can you sleep and just put on the cruise control iv always wondered that???? Thanks for the upload

  5. What a great time you are having! I am so happy for you both. In 2016 I sailed the Issac Evans off the coast of Maine. I smiled for 2 weeks, which leads me to realize I am the happiest when on or near the water. Yesterday I completed a week long Canal boat trip on a 43 footer, still smiling, water brings us such joy. Best to you both, calm winds a following seas! Rob

  6. Didn’t realise you had a connection to the Sören Larsen which was a much loved feature of the Auckland harbour and the New Zealand coast for a while…! I think I met the skipper …and great to hear about the tall ship connection; my wife Karen had an ancestor that was on the Pamir

  7. Hi
    As you know, both Nordstream pipelines were just blown up just off the coast of Sweden. The only logical perpetrators are the USA or perhaps Poland. I hope being nearby won't interfere with your Scandinavian summer and that you can make plans to not be in the wrong place at the wrong time. A friend just returned from Norway three days ago and found everything still normal except for the price of fuel and food.
    Fair Winds
    SV Mariposa

    ps: Trudeau just gave up on Canada's draconian border rules and opened the borders to all Americans and foreigners. Great news for cruisers like me who want to re visit BC.

  8. Another great episode. I'm really looking forward to Sweden and Bohusland. My mother was from Goteborg ( I was born and live in San Francisco) I spent many summers visiting uncles and cousins in the 70's and through out the 80's.
    When I was in college in the early 80's I worked for the San Francisco Maritime Museum. I worked on the C.A Thayer a 220 foot three masted former lumber schooner built in 1895. It never left the dock but I worked for an educational program where 11 and 12 year olds would spend the night and perform various sailor chores. It was a super fun job and I got to spend the night in the comfy private cook"s cabin near the big wood burning stove next door in the galley. I'd fall asleep and wake to foghorns and the morning barking of sea lions, My great grandfather from Finland built lumber schooners in Arcata in far northern California when he first immigrated to the U.S.A in the 1880's. I also worked on the Balclutha a 1886 steel hulled 300 foot square rigger and many other more modern ships in the Maritime Museum inventory. I worked on the WWII Balao class submarine and me and fellow employees ( it takes 3 sailors to operate) used to play with 40mm AA gun on the deck maneuvering it to follow the the tourist helicopter that took off and landed many times a day on the pier next to ours. The helicopter pilot used to point to us and the passengers would wave and take pictures as we pretended to shoot them out of the sky. The gun barrel was sealed but the block worked and we could manually load single inert shells.

  9. Someone make sure their boat is keeled stem to stern academic keeling design. This is safer and faster but most importantly safer. If keeled headsails and mast you don't lose your rudder to the wind and you can always keep your bow to the wind. It is very important that the deepest point of the boat is the stem hallway between the mast and forestay of the bow. Ballasted upright of course. Almost all boats are too dangerous to sail. You have to keel them yourself.

  10. Yes I know power systems. You can convert an old car generator pre 1974 to spin like an Edison generator and wire it to 12volt 110 volt AC power inverters. The 12 VOLT DC power plant without fuel or pollution.

  11. Nice to discover you. Its funny and well filmed.. I almost like specally to see some more like the people or things you like..its almost more interesting to follow you!"Sorry i'm french mother language. Bons vents

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