Tur de iaht de 500.000 GBP: Galeon 375 GTO

Tur de iaht de 500.000 GBP: Galeon 375 GTO

Noul Galeon 375 GTO este cu siguranță insula de petrecere de înaltă performanță? Sponsorizat de: https://www.boatsandyachtswarranty.com În asociere cu: https://www.silverstoneauctions.com https://www.intelligentmoney.com https://www.yacht-solutions.co.uk https:/ /www.vircru.com Prețul este doar pentru un ghid aproximativ și poate varia considerabil în funcție de locație și specificație. Cu mulțumiri către: https://www.approvedboats.com https://instagram.com/aquaholicnick https://twitter. com/BurnhamNick https://facebook.com/aquaholicnick Citiți articolele mele online pentru MBY la https://www.mby.com/author/nickburnham Vezi mai multe dintre videoclipurile mele pe canalul YouTube MBY: https://www.youtube .com/user/ybwtv


31 thoughts on “Tur de iaht de 500.000 GBP: Galeon 375 GTO

  1. What a awesome little boat, perfect for a day out on the sea, up & down the coast. I can imagine having great fun with this boat. Great video Nick, but I have a question for you ( forgive me if it seems a bit daft), you called the toilet a toilet, but the corrected yourself and called it a “heads”. Why is it called that and not a toilet? Cheers 😁👍🏻

  2. Great review. Galeon is doing some really innovative things. I love the outboards and the technology that they have. Many advantages including being able to tilt up and go into very shallow water.

  3. This is one beautiful boat. Something perfect for us in Sydney Australia. Anchoring off North Shore new the harbour bridge, swim all day. Then watch the New Year fireworks. Then sleep it off. Love this boat and probably one of the nicest boats on this channel that I have seen. For my price point anyways.
    Thank you for showing this to us

  4. Brilliant boat Nick! Mad how in the space of a year or so these type of day/ overnight boats have gone from £375k to £500k! The world has gone mad!

  5. A great boat, buy my goodness it's pricey for a 375. No doubt will be more expensive by the day now the £ is as weak as Liz Truss' economic policy

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