Yemen. Socotra – cel mai extraterestru loc de pe planetă / Sailing Aquarius #141

Yemen.  Socotra - cel mai extraterestru loc de pe planetă / Sailing Aquarius #141

După trecerea noastră cea mai terifiantă, am ajuns într-un loc cu aspectul cel mai extraterestru de pe Pământ – Socotra. Atât de diferit de ceea ce am văzut până acum în timpul călătoriilor noastre. Nu pot descrie acest lucru, prin urmare TREBUIE SĂ URMĂȚI. Și vă mulțumim foarte mult pentru vizionare 🙏 Rămâneți pe fază, deoarece vinerea viitoare, la 12:00 EST, lansăm un nou videoclip 🎥 Facem tot posibilul să vă ținem distrați și informați și, dacă vi se pare distractiv, plăcut sau informativ, luați în considerare să faceți parte din echipa noastră și ➡️ alăturați-vă ne pe Patreon: ➡️ vrei să ne sprijini, dar nu ești sigur de angajamentul pe termen lung? Fă o donație o singură dată pe PayPal: NOUA noastră marfă o poți găsi aici: Mai multe despre noi: https://www.sailingaquarius. com/ Videoclipul nostru tur cu barca: YouTube este principalul nostru obiectiv, dar pe Instagram sau Facebook postăm actualizări mai frecvente: Facebook: Instagram: http :// #sailingaquarius


25 thoughts on “Yemen. Socotra – cel mai extraterestru loc de pe planetă / Sailing Aquarius #141

  1. Glad to see you are okay Ken! As I was checking out Socotra on the web, I had serious doubts about you being able to find a doctor or a hospital.

    It’s 643 NM from Socotra to Djibouti. I would sail ASAP, if winds allow, away from this “Awful Place”.

  2. Happy you got taken care of in such a remote place.Happier after watching that you got out of there safe.not a place to visit for sure !!
    Fair winds ⛵️

  3. I worked around that part of the world for over 20 years doing geophysical research. I hated it, but loved it at the same time. I thought the people were generally good people, but at times, they can be so obnoxious, overbearing, and pushy. It took me a while to understand their customs. I am glad you, your wife, and Zatara are safe, and on your way to nicer places.

  4. Wow!! That was a crazy adventure you two stay safe out there!! That island was beautiful in its own way but I would have not felt too comfortable there. I’m glad you guys got in and out of there safety given the weather and bureaucratic challenges! I hope the weather gets better and you have smoother sailing in the future!

  5. So, (I am a physician) not to be prying, do you have peptic ulcer disease? Did a couple of antacid tablets help? Do you carry Pepcid with you? Apparently the ultrasound did not reveal much, so your gall bladder was okay. Your pancreas? I suspect it was upper GI issue vs. lower GI issue. Was your hematocrit okay, and your electrolytes? Stress ulcers? Next time, I’m coming along.

  6. I hope Yemen is better than this island. My friend James Malony was there in Yemen before the war. He told me that there was a great move of the Spirit of God but it is hidden and underground. The people are wonderful and childlike in their faith and nothing is impossible for them. To keep people safe I can not say more.

  7. I am glad that Capt. Ken is ship shape again and that you made it past those pesky pirates from Somalia. That Island looks very bleak imagine growing up in a Shit hole like that!

  8. Initially, your trips, destinations and videos in general were rather main stream. Sometimes even superfluous. Or at least this is what it seemed to me! As your channel and episodes evolve, destinations are becoming more and more interesting, attractive and misterious. Keep it this way!

  9. Beautiful but weird place. I'm very interested in your route for I find it more attractive tha via south Africa – the common one. But, since this is the road less traveled for many reasons, it's somewhat more "roots" in what you'll find on the way. Are there sailers groups, yacht clubs or else on the way? Good winds and a happy journey!

  10. Hi. I'm from Israel. You should go to see a doctor in Eilat hospital.
    Just to make sure you are ok.
    Great episode!

  11. Very interested in your chosen route, so little info on this area of the world from this perspective. Good luck, hope the weather and ports improve. Light at the end of the tunnel, the Med.

  12. Thanks that was interesting! Forgive my ignorance but please clarify why those boys were climbing on the dinghy. We're they deliberately trying to antagonize you or just having fun with the visiting foreigners not understanding boundaries? Their behavior was shocking yet the kids in the vehicle were sweet. Wowee!

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