Kirsten Neuschafer Așează spinnakerul pe Minnehaha – Solo Sailing

Kirsten Neuschafer Așează spinnakerul pe Minnehaha - Solo Sailing

În drum spre Cursa Globului de Aur, Kirsten Neuschafer a realizat o serie de videoclipuri în care evidențiază barca sa Minnehaha și arată cum face lucrurile când este singură pe mare. Urmărește călătoria lui Kirsten:


7 thoughts on “Kirsten Neuschafer Așează spinnakerul pe Minnehaha – Solo Sailing

  1. Not sure what device she is using to "snub" the spinnaker during hoisting , and most likely dousing. Neither a sleeve nor a sock, of which I'm aware, but rather segmented. What is this device? Thank you!

  2. Super cool! I'd love to see her singlehanded spinnaker takedown especially once it gets a bit breezier. I think she does a letterbox drop, but I'd love to see how its done by a real pro!
    Tim – s/v Patience (CG 38)

  3. Navegue contigo por casi 5 minutos, fui muy muy feliz recordando nuestras caminatas por Ponta Delgada para encontrar lana 100%….. Gracias, te amo!!

  4. We are so very proud of Kirsten's progress and accomplishments thus far; her fan base grows daily. Also: What a beautifully designed Spinnaker! There is a bit of Art Deco in that!

  5. That was pretty amazing and I have no idea about boating but I am inspired with Kirsten’s adventures and wish her great winds.

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