Cumpărați lucruri cool @ : Susține canalul : Ce? Vrei să-mi trimiți lucruri!? Angry Cops PO Box 1153 Buffalo NY 14201 USS Nimitz a avut o problemă cu scurgerea de combustibil pentru reacție în alimentarea cu apă potabilă în urmă cu două săptămâni și încă nu a fost remediată. Numeroși marinari au declarat că dușurile, chiuvetele și alte zone de distribuire a apei miroase a combustibil pentru avioane, dar comandantul a declarat că alimentarea cu apă a fost curățată. Acea declarație se schimbă ulterior când ofițerul le-a spus celor de la bordul navei că „a existat o cantitate sigură de combustibil pentru avioane în apă, deci era sigur de consumat”. Problemele încă nu au fost rezolvate la bordul USS Nimitz, iar unii marinari raportează că nu primesc îngrijiri medicale. Surse – contaminated-water/ https://www.specialforcesnews .com/nimitz-consuming-water-contaminated-with-jet-gas-navy-acknowledges/ -water-nimitz-carrier-navy-says.html Opiniile exprimate pe această pagină sau orice derivat din aceasta sunt cele ale mele și nu reflectă politica sau poziția oficială a Departamentului de Apărare, a Gărzii Naționale a Armatei din New York sau a SUA Guvern. ~ AC
Marinarii beau apă contaminată cu combustibil pentru avioane pe USS Nimitz

20 thoughts on “Marinarii beau apă contaminată cu combustibil pentru avioane pe USS Nimitz”
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Does bombardment from non-military citizens have any effect? I'd be to get behind that. The VA can be a fickle bitch sometimes. I can be, too.
Shit like this is why people don't join or reenlist. Not just incidents like this but the leadership behind it all "trying" to "handle it"
flaming peee spicy burps an explosive poooop
This reminds me of when my barracks were condemned and I was kicked out of for excess mold. When I applied for BAH because of it, it was denied until my BAH package stated because of over competency… god I miss Uncle Sam
Sounds like intentional sabotage.
God, the US Military really is becoming the Russians/PLA in leaders failing upwards.
Why do I see another commander and they're wife called video coming?
Maybe the navy should stop storing the jet fuel next to the water
Thank you AC
Rich, just say the body cam footage of the shootout in Baffalo a couple months ago. Were you on duty at the time? wanted to get your take on the events
This is the logical conclusion of moving away from rum rations. Bring back rum. Jk. But kinda not.
there was always jet fuel in the water, it's what made us high speed.
I seen that screenshot of the gas water on iFunny and at first thought it was a jar full of
Who remembers when the Nimitz brought us Chennaitis water.
Not surprised, the USS Ronald Reagan left radiated vents onboard the ship for 4 years after sailing through a radiation cloud released from Fukushima after the tsunami and didn't get replaced until after they arrived in Japan as the FDNF carrier…..
This could be me being an ignorant civvie, but why the hell do the fuel, and water lines share the same fitting type?!
One would imagine that a color coded hose, and a keyed connector would keep this from happening!
“Your illness isn’t service related”
Did yoi gove away the sources instagram id
Oh so just normal Navy things, got it.
Wtf, some people need to be kicked out.