Catamaran cu vele Leopard 45, portul New York, râul Hudson, East River, poarta Hells și repararea pompei noastre de santină stricate. În acest episod de la bordul catamaranului nostru cu vele Leopard 45, traversăm portul New York pentru a face combustibil la portul Liberty Landing din Jersey City. Apoi ne facem drum prin ploaia rece și vântoasă în sus pe râul Hudson până la West Point, cu o oprire rapidă în Nyack, astfel încât Jeff să-și poată retrăi amintirile din copilărie. Le spunem „ne vedem mai târziu” lui Greg și Daniei, iar eu și Jeff ne urcăm pe East River, sub Podul Brooklyn, Podul Manhattan, Podul Williamsburg, Podul Queensboro, Podul Triborough și, în final, prin Poarta Iadului. . Apoi petrecem timp depanând mai multe probleme cu pompa noastră de santină și aparatul de alimentare cu apă. Înapoi câteva zile, am făcut o excursie la Muzeul Memorial 911. Am făcut un scurt videoclip despre el, dar am decis să-l ținem departe de canalul nostru de navigație. Dacă vrei să-l vezi, îl poți găsi aici Acum pentru muzica! Am fost din nou la Big Blues Bender și am descoperit niște talente minunate. Ei bine, oricum nou pentru noi. Îi iubim pe Dawn Tyler Watson și Albert Castiglia (din nou). Și, ca întotdeauna, îi mulțumim lui Damon Fowler pentru melodia noastră tematică fabuloasă. Elaborăm aranjamente pentru ca melodia să fie lansată oriunde transmiteți sau cumpărați muzică. Multumesc pentru vizionare. Și dacă nu v-ați abonat deja, vă rugăm să faceți acest lucru. Nu uitați să apăsați clopoțelul de notificări, astfel încât să fiți informat de fiecare dată când lansăm un nou videoclip. #svwindtherapy #sailing #Leopard45 #NewYorkCity
Navigand prin HELL’S Gate!!! E63

21 thoughts on “Navigand prin HELL’S Gate!!! E63”
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Great video. What’s that frayed line at 20:37? Yikes! Time to replace.
Ahhhh fog. You guys sure do know how to bring back memories.
Hubby was introduced to fog our first year dating. There was a vertical wall just outside Nantucket harbor. Jim found it fascinating. I told him to SIT DOWN you are blocking the view. Two perspectives.
Nice video! I hope your family and friends in Florida are ok.
Omygosh! Loved this video and Thank God you figured out the water leak. I’m so excited for your next video.
Oh my gosh I forgot to wish Adrian a
Very informative, thanks for filming the trouble shooting! See you at the boat show
Nice presentation. The more you fixit the more you will upskill. Nice video
Loved the video. Nice seeing old familiar places and seeing you guys too of course.
About 30 years ago in an antique store here in Mississippi, I ran across a sort of sailors log-book with photographs titled “The Search for Lost Creek 1910”. It chronicles a Hudson River sailing trip taken by Captain William Norman and his nephew Leslie Norman on small sailboat called “Mist”. It is packed away in a hard to reach place right now, but I remember one of the photographs was marked as taken in Nyack. I remember photographs of other places like Sneeduns(?) and the Palisades. There is a photo of a large sailing ship and it is marked as being “the second polar expedition”, as well as a ship called “Half Moon”. This thing is amazing and a favorite of the many treasures I’ve collected over the years. I’ve been anxiously waiting all these years to meet someone with a connection to that part of the world. I can’t imagine when I’ll tackle my storage unit and get my hands on it, but when I do, I’m gonna ask for an address and hope that you’ll take it off my hands (minus the two photographs of the “Mist” that I have framed and hanging on my wall).
Great video guys. It's always surprising to me how when one thing breaks, something else always seems to go at that same time…boat life!
We seen all your videos and this one is right up there – Top Shelf for sure!!! Has everything – scenic, passages, life on board and a How To! J&J
Great video, as always. Being a graduate of West Point, I have to point out, West Point is The United States Military Academy. Go Army, Beat Navy! Safe travels. We hope to see you on the water back down south. David & Sandy, Yankee Belle.
coolest music
you need a public spotify playlist
If you guys need anything while in Maryland feel free to reach out.
awesome video, awesome music. just great. thx
Loved this episode… you are getting better and better.
Love watching Jeff drive the boat. A master. But Adrienne you are a mechanical bad ass. I am convinced you can fix anything. And you have no fear diving in. So awesome!
Cool videos, met y'all at the show with Christine of the moorings. Hope to see you on the water!
got to love hells gate
also next time you are up the river we need to chill but not in Nyack lets do croton