Tur cu drone la Yacht Club – Uraganul Ian – Cape Coral Ziua 2 – Pt. 2/2

Tur cu drone la Yacht Club - Uraganul Ian - Cape Coral Ziua 2 - Pt.  2/2

Acoperim debarcaderul Yacht Club, Marina, Dolphin Drive dimineața. Seara vom acoperi Darby, Delano, Coral Drive East. Din Bazinul Bimini trecem peste Cape Coral Parkway până la Canal între SE 5th Ave și SE 5th Pl. Continuăm apoi spre est pe Cape Coral Parkway până la Ft Myers. Întorcându-ne acasă la casele noastre de Yacht Club, vedem rămășițele șterse ale apusului în orașul nostru.


24 thoughts on “Tur cu drone la Yacht Club – Uraganul Ian – Cape Coral Ziua 2 – Pt. 2/2

  1. Nice work. I just bought a place up north near the US41 bridges. it escaped completely unscathed. I feel very very blessed for that, but many of the things I love about the area are gone. I ate at the boathouse twice this year. my son and I spent an hour on the pier. ate at yucatan mat leshay this spring. spent a week on south ostero blvd with family and friends in june. had lunch or dinner at shuckers near times square many times.

    a family member lost their mfr home – they were south of gladiator near US41. but they survived a harrowing night. the rest of us faired a lot better. so many people lost so much.

    breaks my heart to see all the damage, all the lost lives and homes. I had planned to go south next monday, but I think I'm going to cancel. I'm disabled and would only be in the way.

    but since my place has proven to be hurricane-proof, I'll be back

  2. Thank you SOOO much for creating and posting these videos. First view of my place since Ian other than the satellite photos. Looks like I'm just a couple of blocks away from you. Not on a canal, so a bit more protected (I hope). Sorry to see the water got into your home and you lost your mango, but your boat is there and still roof overhead. Much to be thankful for. Gonna take some time for sure, but overall I feared much worse and higher water in our neighborhood based on the early videos the storms – now I have a bit of hope. Thanks again and good luck with clean up and recovery. Maybe I'll see you on the streets soon and can thank you in person!

  3. Best of luck. Our thoughts and prayers for everyone in SW FL. We spend our winters there and this year we still have plans to come down and our goal is to volunteer to help in anyway possible If needed.

  4. As usual, Youtube "influencers" Never show anything accurately. Oh well. For all those early 1960's Florida cracker box houses built low to the ground. Time to replace those with more storm resistant structures.

  5. It doesn't look as bad as I 1st thought. It still sucks but luckily you weren't scrubbed off the map. Thanks and good luck with your recovery. Fmr. Lehigh resident living in Lake Placid Florida and I love it.

  6. Thank you very much for posting these videos, I watched quite a few. You were very close to where my daughter lives, if you get a chance to do the end of Triton Court where the road dead ends I would very much appreciate it. prayers for everyone down there.

  7. Thanks.
    Cape Coral fishing pier is gone…. crazy
    I wonder if Ford's garage got flooded again, probably.

    Some of these places got rebuilt after Irma and now they have to do it again, what a shame.

    Good drone work sir.

  8. prayers to loved ones lost, I have survived a tornado so you have my empathy. But if Kamala has her way there will be no fed money because it will be distributed equitably. I can believe she is Vice because the big guy only hires by equitability and not qualified.

  9. Thank you for the video! Some of us that were not able to make it back immediately, could see our neighborhoods and homes. I love the capability of your drone. What make/model is it?

  10. why dont yall stop taking pictures of all the rich peoples troubles and show some of the reral peoples troubles the people that make ft myers work…called the working class its not all about the rich!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Great video really like the way you right in the road names very helpful figuring out where we are. Used to live off Eldorado Bay shore Ave

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