SCOATE din URIASA noastră navă de 82 FT!! | Sailing Flying Coney Ep.21

SCOATE din URIASA noastră navă de 82 FT!!  |  Sailing Flying Coney Ep.21

Transportarea navei noastre masive de oțel de 25 m a fost o provocare. Manevrarea ambarcațiunii printr-un canal foarte îngust până la șantierul naval a fost prima mare provocare. Pentru noi aceasta a fost prima ieșire din toate timpurile. Nu am scos niciodată o navă din apă înainte și o navă de oțel de 82 de picioare nu este cea mai bună alegere pentru prima remorcare. În general, a fost foarte dificil și suntem atât de bucuroși că băieții de la șantierul naval au rezolvat toate problemele viitoare. Dar ce vom găsi în fundul navei? Va fi bine partea subacvatică? Să aflăm! —————————— Aflați mai multe despre noi: doar pentru a vă oferi o imagine de ansamblu despre ce este vorba despre acest canal. Am cumpărat acest trauler masiv din oțel. Care odată a fost o navă înaltă. Pe termen lung, intenționăm să o transformăm înapoi într-o goeletă. Perioada de timp pentru aceasta va fi de 5 până la 10 ani. Deci avem o călătorie lungă. Dar deja folosim această navă drept casă. Așa că vă puteți aștepta la videoclipuri despre proiecte, despre călătorii și despre locuința într-un refit plutitor. —————————— Când așteptați următorul videoclip, vă recomandăm următoarele canale YouTube: Sampson Boat Co Sailing Magic Carpet Acorn Către Arabella Prima mea barcă Sail Life Sailing Yaba Project Brupeg Aurora Restoration Project SV Seeker Ship Happens Sailing Uma Teulu Tribe SAILCARGO INC. —————————— Echipamentul nostru: Măștile noastre: semi-mască 3M 7502 * 3M semi-mască 6100 3AEEYQj * Polizor unghiular: Metabo WEV 15-125 Rapid: * Cărți utile: Manualul mecanic și electric Boatowners * Link-urile cu * sunt Link-uri afiliate.


42 thoughts on “SCOATE din URIASA noastră navă de 82 FT!! | Sailing Flying Coney Ep.21

  1. Good job people! It's an amazing project you are undertaking!

    Your nerves are really impressive, you maneuvered her like a pro (hilarious scene at 8:30), great team work!

    Also I really like the hull underwater lines, she's a beauty
    @daniel, concerning your heat pump project, I doubt you will have time to install any underwater heat exchanger but at least seeing the ones at 19:26, which I assume to be for engine cooling purpose(?), is interesting!
    I wonder how hard it is to weld new ones on the starboard side (which looks free from what I could see). Now would be a good time but it's probably not realistic considering your packed TDL. Maybe it could wait for the next shipyard visit, if you plan any.

    I really think you should pursue this secondary heating project, it's really smart/cool/nice 🙂

  2. Elia got a wonderful bow thruster… would love to see one on flying coney too… just quickly cut a tunnel into the bow… seems flying cony comes with her own will. The hull looks great.

  3. Not the easiest yard to get into but you did it, well done. Might be the right time to get a bow thruster fitted if possible, would give you a lot more control in tight spaces. Good luck with the hard weeks work ahead. Looking forward to next weeks video.

  4. Good job on getting the boat out, I don't know how long it was since the last slip but the hull didn't look to bad. That keel cooling will slow you down while sailing and as you see the pipes make for good holding for critters. I wonder if in it's original configuration if it was like that? If you want her to be a good sailer and be easier at haul out time it might pay to look at a raw water heat exchanger. It would be interesting to get the hull thickness tested to make sure she's not got to many surprises. Though mentally challenging, with six slips out of the way you'll be able to go fill throttle down the bowling alley when your done 🏴‍☠️😀

  5. Doesn’t look as bad as I’d imagined it would. And is that a keel cooler? If it’s in the budget I hope you get a bow thruster installed. Best of luck 🐰 🐰

  6. It’s a great job ! You should be glad of the happy end but what stress ! I just don’t understand why you didn’t to be helped with professional fishermen or zodiacs of marina or sailers that could help to guide the boat

  7. Not too bad at all, at a quick glance. Some molluscs here and there but the plane surfaces seem good.. The pipes of the heat exchanger look clean.
    You handled the approach with aplomb; maybe the hard crew will first ask about bow thrusters next time :-).
    Hope you catch up on sleep during the week.

  8. The outside looks reasonable but just 1 week? You guys are really going to have to push yourselves above and beyond and then some. Too much I think but good luck . I would have booked for at least 2 weeks in case something came up that was important to fix.

  9. Well for starters you need self communicators for you and your wife. Next get all modern radio radar equipment Then find out why balance is out check for all water leaks heavy sanding will be needed then tap then Tap the hull with a very small metal hammer. Listen to the sound to see how much metal is there or if needs welding as most older boats will need some welding and rust removing. As steel hull will need special paint especially under coat. Make sure rudder is clean and moves easily and correctly then clean the propeller look for all Zinc parts and replace them to help stop[ corrosion while doing that check bearings and any movement of the Propeller shaft and check its seals. The boat needs a lot doing to it.

  10. You guys did an amazing job getting her thru that narrow channel and i think your hull looks great they dont build them like that anymore she's built like a tank, i love it !!! cheers guys from south australia

  11. I just took a look at youre boat. Its very nice and also the underwaterline looks oké :-). I saw soms small weldingspots and all the new anode are already on. Great job and great youtube content. I sertainly will follow you on the project (im a big fan of old historical vessel). Succes and enjoy youre stay in Urk. Greetings ( a resident of Urk;-)

  12. The hull looks pretty good. Maybe some issue at the rudder post , hard to tell from this distance. You might want to have the yard well a guard off the ends of the keel coolers. She should clean up nicely.

  13. Well despite the horribly corroded Zincs the Hull's in surprisingly good shape from what I could see. Don't know how she was in the water prior to Haul-Out, but I'm guessing quite a while…think re-doing all the Wood's going to be all the work, everything else is just Prep & Paint pretty much…

  14. Well done, She looks quiet a picture in the craddle.
    What a massive mission ahead. Looking forward to the new look "Flying Coney"
    All the best from New Zealand (Home of Americas Cup) ha ha 😎

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