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24 thoughts on “DUPĂ 4 ANI RENUNȚĂM LA A FI MARINARI adevărați…

  1. It doesn’t matter if you sail or not, just keep making movies and everything will be fine ! If you haven’t figured it out by now, we (your fans) love watching the both of you’s interacting together ! Cheers

  2. Hey guys, how much do they charge for a slip there? Do they have room left? How do they feel about liveaboards?

  3. When you we're cooking your lobster tail and crab legs you reminded me of the cajun cook Justin Wilson, lol

  4. Noticed your location – Isleta Marina – How did you like your stay there? How was the Marina to work with? My wife and I have a condo there for a year now and we love it there

  5. Fantastic !!! Wow that's amazing!! Great great transformation. You two awesome people should be more than proud of what you did ! I have tears in my eyes I'm so happy for you guys ❤️

  6. I have an older cpt autopilot. Tips on using, The on or first nob sets the amount of course correction. The second knob set the time between course correction. The compass knob can be set anywhere or if you wish match the compass. I use the on button just click on or 1, the second knob at 5 or above. Turn unit on cruise straight as possible for 15 minutes then engage the pulley. its to allow for the compass to catch up. If you set the time two short and the correction to much, your course will be like a snake. If your open ocean then set the time to max to save battery.

  7. Hahahaha the ending was awesome 👌 👏 Your one of my favorite channels. Can't wait for the reveal and the auto pilot test 😉

  8. Wow matt ya'll did you self proud from start to finish ya'll worked as a teem, that have reflected the quality of both ya'll hard work we'll do to the both of you the boat looks amazing 👏🏾 🤙🏾❤

  9. Matt, while your Dad's quote is memorable…my favorite quote is yours. Makes me laugh every time I think of it. "Whatda mean don't get chopped up?! Don't chop me up!"😂

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