Ultimul Sloop-of-War de navigație din lume (tur complet cu barca)

Ultimul Sloop-of-War de navigație din lume (tur complet cu barca)

Tururile cu navele piraților nu apar în fiecare zi! Aceasta este cea mai rapidă navă corsară (pirată) de acest fel DIN LUME! Faceți cunoștință cu „Spirit”, cu triplu catarg, Bermuda Sloop de 112’. Construită în 2006, ea este o reproducere modernă a ULTIMULUI adevărat corsar: seria shamrock 1830 Sloop of war. Pentru a dona acestei minunate organizații: https://bermudasloop.org/ Susține acest vlog: https://www.patreon.com/svzingaro CUMPĂRĂ-NE O BERE: https://www.paypal.me/svzingaro -❤️- NOU TEE SHIRTS: https://www.bonfire.com/store/zingaro/ -👇- Site: https://svzingaro.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/svzingaro Instagram: https://www .instagram.com/sailing_zingaro/ -👨‍👩‍👦‍👦- OC Tenders: https://octenders.co.nz/ Spectra Watermakers: https://www.spectrawatermakers.com Ochelari de soare Turt: https://turtsunglasses. com Kraken Structuri: https://www.facebook.com/SeaMonsterStrong -🎶- Epidemic Sound 00:00 Zingaro la Boat Show 00:32 The Last Pirate Boat! 3:33 Întâlnire cu căpitanul și CEO 5:36 Întâlnire cu „Spiritul” 10:50 Cum a fost construită barca 14:00 Tur cu barca: cabina de pilotaj 16:40 Tur cu barca: Intrarea în interiorul ambarcațiunii 19:50 Tur cu barca: camera mașinilor 21:04 Tur cu barca: sala de premiere 21:38 Tur cu barca: bucătăria 23:52 Tur cu barca: cabinele din față 27:00 Cum este să fii la bord 32:00 Doriți mai multe informații?


48 thoughts on “Ultimul Sloop-of-War de navigație din lume (tur complet cu barca)

  1. ARR ME SCALLEYWAGS! If you dig this content, please "LIKE" the video. It helps the channel a ton! Also, if you're going to the Annapolis Boat Show, please stop bu the YouTube channels booth and say hi to James! Use discount code: 'sailzingaro22" to get 10% off the ticket! Hope to "sea" you there! Stay tuned for more sailing! Next series is our crossing the Atlantic from Bermuda-Azores!

  2. What a fantastic program for youth. The experience has to create lifetime memories & friendships along with social & technical skills. There needs to be many more of this type of program for our young people. Kudos to these gentlemen who are dedicated to make this an ongoing success. I'm sure they have no problem getting kids to sign up for this. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks James, this type of content is fantastic, you've introduced me to many of the chanels I now follow. Your passion and love of all things sailing is infectious and we live vicariously through your adventures, good on you brother

  4. I have been following you for sometime, and did not know you where on submarines. I was on USS Sculpin SSN 590, USS San Francisco SSN 711, and my final boat was USS Michigan SSBN 727. I now have an even greater respect for you and your journey, fair you well from one bubble head to another.

  5. “Macaroni” rig… 😂 That’s Italian, and so was Marconi, so a good one. Marconi was one of the frontrunners with radios. He used elaborate antennas with complex support wire systems. That’s the connection with the rig. People of the time thought it looked complex.

  6. Magnificent sailing vessel, fantastic programs for young people and a beautiful way to reserve nautical history. Thank you so much James for sharing this classic with all of us.

  7. Love the sub crew's berthing analogy.
    Probably some hot racking going on while at sea.
    They should try hammocks to increase the bunking space.

  8. It would be great for these kids to spend time in dinghies. That would add to their sense of responsibility, self discipline, self learning.

  9. First of all, it's not a sloop – it's a schooner. Second, it's not a "Macaroni Rig", it's a Marconi Rig. Thirdly, you should invest in a real nail salon to take care of your painted fingernail needs.

  10. Did you say "Macaroni sloop"???? That is funny !When 5 years old I would have said : "macaroni in his head , macaroni in his head, macaroni …."
    but I have a long white beard so I 'll say Marconi sloop, M A R C O N I sloop.

  11. So great to watch this video
    I just brought a small support vessel off a similar organisation here in New Zealand "Outward Bound NZ" Really love what these organisations do for the youngsters of today. Keep spreading the word Bro
    😁 So cool James

  12. With the dedication and passion that the Captain, CEO and permanent crew give to these kids; what they take away from this is life changing and something they will never forget. Great thanks also to the sponsors who have and continue to make this happen.
    Yes from previous experience 2 weeks seems to be about the ideal length of time for young students and 1 week for adults.

  13. Thanks James for what you do, I got into the Annapolis Boat Show using your discount code, but unfortunately was not able to meet up with you – spent too much time looking at all the catamarans.

  14. Great content and your interviewing skills are top notch as you are also a very good listener. The best video I have seen of the Spirit of Bermuda and I'm Bermudian. Thanks for showcasing this fantastic ship. Andrew

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