Navigare către Hebridele Exterioare (Sailing Free Spirit)

Navigare către Hebridele Exterioare (Sailing Free Spirit)

O familie care locuiește la bord a pornit spre Hebridele Exterioare. Pornind de la Oban, vizitează și explorează Insula Coll înainte de a traversa Marea Hebridelor către Insula Vatersay. Pe parcurs, ei întâlnesc faună sălbatică rece și condiții meteorologice neașteptate.


11 thoughts on “Navigare către Hebridele Exterioare (Sailing Free Spirit)

  1. The narration of all the different wildlife you encountered on your travels really adds a lot of interest to your videos. I really enjoyed that, thanks for sharing.

  2. The narration is excellent I agree with Richard and the whole video is great (this is my first and I've subscribed already), but and there is a but of course, why so much music? It's a best divisive, more likely, annoying. It certainly annoyed me (as you can tell). The natural sounds are enough aren't they?

  3. Welcome to the Outer Hebrides.

    If you are coming up the East coast of Lewis, I can recommend Loch Leurbost as a fairly sheltered anchorage.
    Give us a wave if you come in there (but do check charts for rocks).

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