În timp ce ne aventurăm spre nord din cornul Africii, ne oprim să ne odihnim pe micuța insulă Socotra, navigăm cinci zile până în Djibouti și intrăm în Marea Roșie foarte aglomerată (și foarte fierbinte)! Mulțumim pentru acordare în această săptămână! Toate episoadele emisiunii noastre sunt create exclusiv de mine, Keith și copii. De asemenea, puteți urmări călătoria noastră pe Facebook și Instagram, sau dacă doriți să susțineți eforturile noastre de realizare a videoclipurilor, iată câteva modalități prin care puteți împărtăși dragostea: ❤️ — DEVENI MEMBRU AL Z-CREW! https://sailingzatara.com/members —CUMPĂRĂ UN BILET LA SHOW! https://sailingzatara.com/tickets –LUAȚI NIște MARFĂ sau ECHIPAMENTE DE BARCĂ: https://sailingzatara.com/shop –CE CAMERE UTILIZAM? Găsiți toate echipamentele mele preferate de filmare aici: https://sailingzatara.com/camera-gear Happy Sailing! Renee & the Z-Crew ________________________________________________ Muzică în acest videoclip: Melodia noastră tematică: Float Away de Grabbitz furnizată de Monstercat: https://www.monstercat.com/ Găsiți-o aici: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=bzuSHCFQD7c Această muzică oferită de Epidemic Sound http://share.epidemicsound.com/B3SzL Silk Road de Rymdklang Coloane sonore Zephyr Sounds de Epidemic Sound Dance from the North de Feras Cherastan 00:00 Socotra (Yemen) 02:18 Red Sea Sailing 09:28 3 zile în Djibouti 15:56 Înapoi în Marea Roșie #passagemaking
AM REUSIT LA MAREA ROSIE! Navigați în Yemen, Golful Aden, Djibouti (Ep 213)

20 thoughts on “AM REUSIT LA MAREA ROSIE! Navigați în Yemen, Golful Aden, Djibouti (Ep 213)”
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Yemen has been destroyed by US weapons. Great people
haha I doubt exposing your shoulders would cool you down much
Hi guys thats a African hoopoe lost his way.
I have been binge watching the great stories and beautiful videos of The Cruising Kiwis and absolutely love them! I'm looking for an additional sailing channel to watch so thought I'd check out yours since they sailed with you for awhile!
Just amazing
Welcome to Algeria in almost 2 months.🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿
What an awesome job telling the story of your family adventures … well done. Love that you’re doing this as a family and sharing it with the world … we all need GOOD stories of GOOD FAMILIES!
We have a Nordhavn 60 and are currently on west coast of Canada … after taking her to Sea of Cortez after commissioning.
Fun fishing hint … my wife saw this on Pinterest (every great idea comes from that site).
We keep a small squirt bottle filled with cheap alcohol (vodka works well) on our swim grid. Big fish comes in … we squirt a small amount into the gills … and they instantly become docile for about 2 minutes while we decide whether it’s dinner or back to the deep blue.
Take care, keep the cameras rolling and bless you guys as you travel this amazing world.
06:10 that is not a woodpecker 🤦🤦انه طائر الهدهد
Oklahoma Gal here again!! Love You all !! It’s my dream to see the blue waters!! My bucket list!! Biggest!! Your family is absolutely precious!! Your my kind of people!! If you ever decide to do a older people trip. It would be the dream of my life !! 60 years young and love to have fun and know how to work hard at anything I do!! 😁❤️. Here’s a Recipe Renee!! It’s called “TEXAS HASH “ You brown hamb meat…. Set aside fixed fried potatoes with cut up green onion or whatever onion! Then when almost done you just mix together and you have TEXAS HASH Keep doing what makes your hearts smile!
HAPPY SAILING ⛵️ 💓 💛 💖 💗 ☺️ 🥰💋💕💛🧡❤💞
There are french military in Djibouti, they need nice food 😀
⛵🌊 🐠🐟 ⚓❤️
Hi lovely fam, new subscriber here fm uk. I’m interested in your gorgeous dynamics please wld you tell me all of your sun signs ? Thank yoo. Big Lurve❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Bibi x
Ps deffo love your long hair vs bald short hair look Dadido😘 Do you all shave your heads for charity like some peeps do or just for coolness n fun? I’m guessing Dad Pisces Mum Cancer? Kate Taurus Anna
Aquarius? Um I’m still guessing the Boys x Am I right 🤔 ha ha
Hey Zatara Fam. I saw that you always mouth siphon leaks and fuel…Yuck. I found you a better way. I love cool tools and I know you do too! Milwaukee Tools has a new M12 pump transfer stick. It can pump water, fuel and even light oil. You can even attach a hose to one end if need be. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WaMNi0r7FDU
I DISLIKED this episode. No grace. No integrity. No honor. Being American bullies that inspire your your viewers to look down on poor countries just makes you bratty. You failed to do your research and had unrealistic provisioning expectations. That’s irresponsible and it’s beneath you. Better luck next time.
Now I’m hooked! This is so cool! 🙂 That fuel polisher / filter is pretty tight. 🤘🏽😌
at 17.13 is a dolphin, pretty hard to see on starboard side…:)