Am încercat să navighez de la Brighton la Portsmouth, dar curenții sunt prea puternici, așa că fac o diversiune către portul de vaci de pe Insula Wight. Nu erau vaci. Dacă ești interesat să contribui, link-urile pentru venmo, patreon sau paypal sunt mai jos: /$SamHolmesSailing Bitcoin: bc1q23xsnagqat94tcu6tr40zcj504njlzqq2hg39c Urmărește-mă pe instagram @SamHolmesSailing
Am încercat să navighez spre Portsmouth, dar curentul m-a scuipat

47 thoughts on “Am încercat să navighez spre Portsmouth, dar curentul m-a scuipat”
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My sister in law unfortunately died in a boat accident two weeks ago today, such a beautiful place…
I think that obnoxious ‘Cruise ship’ was actually the Queen Elizabeth. 🙄
Sam, I had similar issues with my Yanmar last year…would run after bleeding for varying amounts of time, then stop. Turned out to be the low pressure fuel pump, a fairly inexpensive part but a booger to install. Diagnosis was made based on a tiny fuel presence on touching the pump (it's almost impossible to see on my engine). Supposedly, a rare failure, but something to keep in mind. Thanks for the great videos and your consistently positive attitude :^)
Don't forget I'm sailing next year Sam im newing me British passport and don't forget COVID-19 maybe getting worse next wave so stay safe Sam 🛶🚣🚣🥰🌅😁
No cows in Cowes eh? I used to keep a 27 ft yacht at Newhaven (good safe harbour in any state of wind or tide) and you misjudge the tides along the S Coast and the Solent at your peril. Even worse when you get down around Cherbourg, the Channel Islands and St Malo. (St Malo really worth visiting btw.) I once spent an miserable night caught against the tide trying to get to Lézardrieux.
funny looking cows
Infaltion affecting everyone including out at sea 🤣🤣
If you do that video of her house, you should do some drone videos too. I was surprised that’s where you were because from what we’re seeing on the news, Ft. Meyers looked as if it was totally gone & it looked like flattened rubbish everywhere….but, the Boats were the very saddest because many of them were homes too. They looked as if a child had been playing with toy sailboats and piled them all on top of each other at Marina’s. Many had canvas dodgers and coverings that to me mean someone was using it or living aboard & not just in storage for the season.. They were broken like little toys too…..
Add a vacuum gauge to your fuel system It ends a lot of guessing, makes your life easier
Hey Sam- was gonna order another cape dory hat, but your website is down.
Great vid!
Those looked like cows
Looking like mr beast
My boat lives right round where you were going (hasler) I've been caught out twice by the tide coming out of the harbour but managed to get through. its crazy how fast it is through there!
Hey yeah, hard to believe that Fiona had hit three countries towards giving a massive healing towards so many that were affected by Fiona and Ian, at least gave you an opportunity to see your family and friends and storms tend to pay it forward in an odd way.
Such a shame you missed Pompey. So much to see, Warrior, Victory and Mary Rose. My home town. We would have been pleased to host you. Try and come back once you resume in the Spring and let us know when you are arriving. Doug.
Show us the new bike!
Check your filters, check for air leaks.. diesel loves clean fuel, no air and lots of air.
No air leaks, and lots of air to breath…
Best wishes for your rip back to Ft Myers. You did brilliantly to negotiate Portsmouth and Cowes, neither of which is easy first time.
Hey Sam, if you need some help at Grams DM me I'm free Wednesday and Thursday
Boats looking smart engine must air getting in fuel system
Beard is looking good Sam🍻
You aren't the first to go backwards fighting the ebb from Portsmouth. You didn't miss much in Gosport though.
Cool as ice with no engine then anchors for the night in the exposed South Coast. You're a badass sailor man love your vids!
Maybe you can get one of those hurricane boats really cheap
Small world I’m born and raised Punta Gorda boy myself. Living up in the panhandle these day, but all my family is still down in Punta Gorda / North Fort Myers’s area. Glad to hear your family stayed safe during the storm. My family said this one was worse than hurricane Charlie by far. I’ll probably end up down there real soon myself to help out my parents with their repairs. Enjoy watching your adventures, safe travels.
Do you ever see shooting stars?
The trick to getting into Portsmouth Harbour against the ebb is to keep left in shallow water, and then hug the West shore by Fort Blockhouse through the narrows. If there is sufficient depth, approaching from the Inner Swatchway avoids most adverse tides, and then it is just the narrows to contend with. Avoiding the maximum ebb helps.
You look exactly like me beast
and we whinge about the weather in the UK… Hope you manage to get things back on track over there Sam.
Cowes and surrounds are such a delight. Been there on many occasions and would say that you did better in anchoring in Cowes than Portsmouth. Best view of Portsmouth is when you're leaving 😉
Good to see you back up on a bike, sorry again that the last one was stolen. Great Vid!!
Hey Sam, you most likely have a pinhole in your fuel line. Safe yourself a lot of grief and just replace the line from your diesel tank to the external filter, and from there to the engine (yanmar 2qm15?).
That little air leak is enough to screw up the reliably of the motor.
Ive been watching for 2 months and just subscribed….. im slow
Start helping those boats find new owners.
You weren’t having much luck with your engine Sam. I love that you are always so calm when issues happen. Another lovely video. ⛵️
I've been so many times spat out of the harbour too hahaha I always go back to the front of the fort and heave to for an hour or 2
if you need any help i have a truck trailer and will come down for free
The power of nature strikes again and again. Wild tidal flows and hurricanes. Exciting times!
Show us more boats and less cows. I see cows every day here in Georgia. but not sailboats.
Thanks for your videos.
What kind of boat are you sailing?
So what you are saying is there's a buyer's market down in FL and you might salvage a bigger boat? 🙂
SHEEP! 🤣🤣 they all were sheep
Awesome videos you have really become a person in every one's home around the world. Thanks for all the great footage. Reminds me of looking at the ocean off a cruise ship. Mother Ocean is very Beautiful she always has special surprises for people who decide to sail or her. Thank you Sam!
Shame we missed you while you were in the Isle of Wight. Our currents here are strong..
That happened to me with my first boat which had an outboard at exactly the same place. I had to hang around Gillkicker point until the tide changed.