Reclamanta spune că ea și pârâta erau prieteni și au plecat într-o croazieră. Fiul ei a fost implicat într-un accident îngrozitor și ea nu a mai putut merge, dar pârâta a luat partea plătită reclamantei și a dat-o altcuiva. Ea dă în judecată pentru banii înapoi. Pârâta spune că linia de croazieră a anulat rezervarea deoarece reclamantul a încetat să facă plăți. A trebuit să se chinuie să găsească pe cineva care să acopere factura și nu datorează nimic. Ea dă în judecată pentru avarie la vehicul și hărțuire. Cazul #25328 #PeoplesCourt #RealityTV #Court
Navigare spre apus

28 thoughts on “Navigare spre apus”
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Funny, lots of laughs
Hey all the people court lovers ! Check out me and my daughters mukbang channel after this episode and subscribe if you’d like ❤
I can tell she keyed that Car by the way she piped down. She was loud and strong the whole case then tried to “control” herself to be more believable to say she ain’t key it.
If the defendant is in menopause she is winning at life because she is beautiful and doesn’t look a day over 27.
The plaintiff definitely vandalized the defendant’s car.
She was not prepared for Judge Milian to start scrolling 🤣 she got scared af talking about “here I got it printed on paper too” 😳
JM didn't say her famous line, "if not you who." When it came to the keying of the car…
100% believe the defendant. If the plaintiff “changed her mind” why didn’t she text the defendant saying so ??? lol
Plaintiff keyed the car is my bet. I think JM is right. She called to get her money back and found out she couldn’t. And what the heck does trying to shame her about a tummy tuck say about her character
Defendant looks like Lil Mo in Superwoman music video
No doubt in my mind the plaintiff keyed the car and slashed the tires. Also, she should have practiced walking in her new pair of shoes before she went to court, she looked all sorts of hurting and wobbling
The plaintiff needs to stop looking at the person with her.
When going on a cruise if you back out and no one else can go you lose anyway. Unless you have insurance. The other person will have to eat it and she would lose her money too. So no she shouldn't get her money back.
The plantiffs comment on tummy tucks and menopause was uncalled for. She is out there body shaming like a real ass bully. Shame on her.
Defendant. You look good. You were in the right. Leave that ugliness behind.
She's old enough to be going through menopause… ?!! This woman is the living embodiment of 'black don't crack'!!! 😂
The plaintiff mentioning her “tummy tuck” and “menopause” is already very telling of how vindictive and spiteful she is. She didn’t have to air out her business like that just cause they’re no longer friends. I believe she keyed her car. Smh.
Ask her Ask her..not axe her…jesus…AXE????
I feel like the defendant once you let me know you aren't going I am not following up with you. I am going to do what I need to do so I don't lose my money. How was it shasty when you said enjoy your trip??trio??? And then she's talking about her tummy tuck and menopause…huhhh mam
Well she looks good going thru meno😂
Not "I work out every day!" Girl that face looks hard….black definitely cracked!
I didn't like the plaintiff's remarks about her friend's tummy tuck and menopause thing that was disgusting
She is stressing. And hating 😂😂😂😂
Why can't black people say the word 'ask'?
I thought the axe thing was a joke from Futurama.
Yes you didn’t care about her when you stuck it too her! Ha!
Got to keep the grass low for those snakes. lol
It’s not too far fetched that a woman like her would key a car and slash tires. It’s in her nature.
Love that NY talk 😂….that accent 👌🏾
She could have gotten her money off back from the get-go if she just submitted to the cruise line that she had an emergency crisis but Anton benefit from the money she paid so and she didn't make a deal with him so she should be able to get her money back from old girl