Pe 17 septembrie 2022, marinarul solo Kim a fost salvat de petrolierul Riviera II. Kim este foarte amabil să-și împărtășească experiența cu privire la ceea ce s-a întâmplat în care a fost necesară salvarea și cum a fost salvat. Și vă mulțumim foarte mult pentru vizionare Rămâneți pe fază, deoarece vineri viitoare, la 12:00 EST lansăm un nou videoclip
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Salvarea marinarului solo cu un petrolier în Oceanul Indian | Navigarea Vărsătorului în jurul lumii | Barcă cu pânze

22 thoughts on “Salvarea marinarului solo cu un petrolier în Oceanul Indian | Navigarea Vărsătorului în jurul lumii | Barcă cu pânze”
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One of the world's worst places to find yourself in that situation. Going alongside a ship in those conditions would be frightening.
I'm glad this gentleman was rescued. But in the video his mast is still there so why was he drifting for that long in need of rescue?
Yeah I listen again. Um well I'm glad he is safe. I think "a man who was sailing alone is more appropriate than solo sailor rescued" He didn't want to pay the crew. Lost his boat because he gave up. You could have absolutely sailed that boat but he didn't have the resourcefulness or determination to do so. He says "I could have done something with the main but it was better to just give up" an important story, but I'm not so sure this is the inspirational tale he thinks it is.
Kim I think you could design a jacket for rescue. One that could hold the precious items.
Well done Kim for taking excellent decisions and being so courageous. I too am a solo sailor so understand the vulnerability . I certainly would not have swum under the boat in the dark…..truly brave. What a great story from which we can all take lessons.
Some people bring their boat in with a jury mast (after dismasting) and no engine. Others don't.
Wow! Nice that Mr Kim had his head cool, as he mentioned, and happened to meet some pro guys in the middle of nowhere. After all, a boat is just an object, not your life.
One of the most beautiful points this story shows is that, at seas, solidarity and care are always present.
I hope soon he'll free his thoughts of the 'ifs", realize that was the way it was meant to be and'll be back sailing with the lessons learned from this experience, which certainly brings us a new perspective on many things in life. My best, Mr Kim!
Thank God there was a wonderful crew to rescue him.
Thank you for sharing!
Wow. So happy Kim survived. One thing I think I learned from this video is: my boat is 45'. Until now I've just assumed that the larger the ship the more and better resources – therefor safer. After hearing Kim's story and how difficult and dangerous it can be to be hoisted aboard a large ship, maybe a smaller boat arriving later is of some use. I think now if I hear a May Day call, I should head in that direction until I arrive in the area or until I hear that the situation is resolved. Maybe the large ship gets there more quickly, but maybe because my boat is closer to the size of Kim's boat, transferring to my boat would be easier and safer. Possibly even by dinghy. Good video. Thanks
I would have tried to get the halyard down from the main sail. Wasn’t this an option?

tough story
Anyway congrats that Kim survived it
Kim you were so lucky to get on that ship! You are blessed
I’d wonder where the sailboat is now? Still at sea or washed up somewhere…
So sorry to see such a beautiful boat lost
Thanks for this interview, although I do enjoy all your videos. I got a bit emotional when he started talking about his daughter.
For sure God and the Angels were there just in time… Definitely need to thank the Lord…
There are lessons here: Have spare halyards. Have a way to safely climb your mast, and practice it at sea. Do not rely on a single roller furler headsail. Have a spare flying jib and a way to set it. Carry twice the water that you need. Leaving your boat is dangerous. I am happy you are alive.
Scary. Glad he made it.
Amazing Legit Captain Culture, all the way around, I’m grateful for the Caring Tanker Captain and that you are Survivor, Elite Class, kudos and thank you for sharing, done the prop in a chop in the dark, I can not want that to be the lesser of a rough trip, when is the movie? wow.
Wow! Wow! Wow!
An amazing story. So glad he's safe.
Cheers Jeff
What an incredible story! Thank God he was rescued and is safe. Was his boat insured? Please clarify whether insurance will cover the loss of his boat? Wishing Kim all the best and a quick recovery.
Is there any way to email the crew of the ship with thanks?