Accesați canalul YouTube Rocket Learn acum pentru a afla mai multe despre Saugerties Lighthouse și vizitați alte case uimitoare acoperite în seria Home Lore: Dintr-un tânăr sălbatic, tânăr dragostea lovită întâlnirea întâmplătoare în Noua Zeelandă pentru o călătorie cu navigație în jurul lumii întregi și a unei familii, pregătește-te pentru toate detaliile murdare despre cum ne-am cunoscut și cum am ajuns acolo unde suntem astăzi! Alăturați-vă nouă pentru partea a doua a navigației noastre de 650 de mile de la Chiapas, Mexic, la Zihuatanejo, în timp ce ne apropiem de o piatră de hotar monumentală din Delos și ne pregătim să termin circumnavigarea planetei Pământ cu barca cu vele. Urmăriți seria noastră de documente din 4 părți: Protejați-vă de soare! Susține videoclipurile noastre- Trimite-ne dragoste Ne finalizăm navigarea în jurul lumii, așa că mai sunt multe de văzut ! Sprijinul dvs. va finanța echipamente mai bune pentru cameră, internet pentru a încărca videoclipuri și, desigur, lubrifianți creativi pentru a ușura procesul de editare 🙂 – Echipament recomandat pentru cameră! – Abonați-vă la noul nostru site minunat. – În culise. – Like-ne pe Facebook – Sprijină-ne cumpără un tricou dulce Delos!
Toate Detaliile Murdare…CUM NE-AM ÎNCONIT! Navă cu pânze Delos Ep. 386

45 thoughts on “Toate Detaliile Murdare…CUM NE-AM ÎNCONIT! Navă cu pânze Delos Ep. 386”
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Been watching from the beginning and these vids never get old.
Is it true that you ended up with a swedish girl only because you have volvo penta engines?😁 Hälsa rumpnissen..
Did you ever find Nina ??? Or was that a cliff hanger for another episode? Love your videos. Thank you!!!
Worked in and around Saugerties for many years and loved to take my lunch breaks down next to the lighthouse.
I ve been diving under tis volcano 2014, it was one of my best dives, and all not aproved by authorities, good times i remember, cheers,all the best
Best of luck ❤ you guys
I have a good friend Moe that has a purchased a nice condo in Zihua 5 years ago. Papa Delos would love it. Oh and let’s acknowledge Jordan! She’s a delight, helpful and super cute!
Aaannnd during the description of how they met, nugget comes crashing down with cushions as she's repelling down from the deck. lol.
Sitting back watching this episode and Brian passed out with a Margarita in his hand, I had to jump up and make a Frozen Margarita for my self, Cheers Delos Crew!!!
I wish i would live long enough to see nuggets site when she is a young woman and doing her own videos. How many kids grew up sailing the world? .000000000001 percent?
Thanks for who you are and what you do.
Did you see Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman? Zihuatanejo is where they went when they escaped from Shawshank prison.
once Sierra gets to the age of registering to school how would that work? will you guys settle down somewhere or do online teaching?
Really like the music in the videos! 👍
Love this episode. Great pace, great editing, great music and so well shot. Thanks guys!
Did you see Andy or Red.
did not know brian ans erin were married! wow. did see back from episode 1 like 6 years ago to cat h up to nosey hara (first trip) to catch up.
I grew away from this channel and social media for a long time. But this is amazing to come back to.
I am glad to have found you so long ago.
I’m a few days late to the party but did you happen to run into Andy and Red while you was in Zihuatanejo?
so where did you come from? from the ocean. What? Yes i grew up on the ocean in a boat.
she is the cutest lil girl and she growing up sailing the world she will probably want to get away from it for awhile when she gets older but I can see her sailing delos as captain one day
Remember, Red. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well.
-Your friend. Andy.
…I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.
I hope.
Congratulations on the circumnavigation! ! ! How much time did you have to spend obtaining visas and immunizations to visit the many countries visited? I'm sure some were much more stringent than others.
Great job 👏🏼
You need to send the ex a thank you letter! You have a keeper and a beautiful family.
Great videos, I'm English and met a woman online, then flew 6000 miles to meet her, Nolw I live Brasil I'm now 76 and we go sailing schooners, around the coast and I dive in the sea like an 18 years ols, stay safe guys and enjoy every minute…
Another gem of an episode. Keep up the great work, guys and gals.
I assumed you stopped in Zihuatanejo as an homage to Andy Dufresne and the Shawshank Redemption. Imagine my surprise when you didn't mention it at all.
You can pay me to watch
Fun fact: Zihuataneho is where Andy Dufresne in the movie Shawshank Redemption fled to when he escaped from prison. Took the money and ran, one of the best movies ever.
Congrats on the epic circumnavigation, Brian.
I used to think la vagabonde was the boss sailing channel…i was wrong, it was Delos the whole time… kudos!
Love hearing the story of you guys meeting. CONGRATS!!! on the circumnavigation!
teabags and funbags….
LOVE Zihuatanejo!! I wanna go back again one day
Congrats Brian, great story!
curious if you guys ever plan to sail to the island of Delos?
Felicidades Brián!! 😄
What a great feat and beautiful story altogether. Some day I'll do the same.
sooo… if Brady did not get on his bike to check out the hot blondes…. the Swedish Princess would not be in your life… You do owe Brady bigtime
❤ and 🙏
Loved this one
Ya dun good Brian ❤