Viața pe oceanul deschis | S07E16

Viața pe oceanul deschis |  S07E16

🌎 Obțineți 4 luni gratuit cu un plan de 2 ani aici: Nu există riscuri cu garanția de rambursare a banilor Nord de 30 de zile! ✌ În ultimele două săptămâni, am așteptat o fereastră de vreme bună pentru a naviga din Arhipelagul Azore către Portugalia continentală. Și cu mai puțin de două luni până la Malta, unde plănuim să avem copilul, această fereastră de vreme nu a venit nici un moment prea devreme. Așa că ne-am luat rămas bun de la Azore și am început călătoria noastră de o săptămână pe continentul european.

Treceți pe Pagina noastră Patreon, unde cei mai mari fani ai noștri contribuie la realizarea acestor videoclipuri.



Ochelari de soare: Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: Sails: https: // Ancoră primară: Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: Amplificator pentru telefon mobil, Weboost Drive X RV: /wilsonelectronics/51785478 Prognoza meteo: Keen Footwear:

Sunete epidemic


50 thoughts on “Viața pe oceanul deschis | S07E16

  1. I loved this video. So relaxing, laid back, I almost felt the rocking of the boat, felt the breeze and smelled the ocean. What a smooth sail. Also thanks for keeping us informed 😊 As always have fun, be safe and see you next week.
    Oh yes……. loved the way you fixed that noise.

  2. Sorry you guys could not be in Annapolis, but it is great to see you enjoying a super nice passage and harvesting the benefits of all your hard work getting Atticus II ready for ocean passages. All the best with the upcoming addition to the family.

  3. Leaving the Canarie islands soon with my fiance. Headed for the Caribbean. She's never sailed before. I sure hope it's as smooth as this leg you are on 😎

  4. What's the consensus amongst sailors regarding white noise machines, to help with sleep? Perhaps the need for electricity is a deal breaker, I just wonder.

  5. One thing you don't want to do at night is a whisper to all the horrors that are about to visit you with your first kid. You will suffer this and live to tell the tale. HA, welcome to parenthood. This makes sailing around the world a nice distration. Carry on you adventurers.

  6. Hmm, that simple phrase to close out the show. Ya, I think that is a deep thought dereged up from the long time in the isolation of the watch. I very much whole heartedly agree with that. I think the word is Mariner. I don't know nothing, but maybe that's the thing you described.

  7. Jordan, your ending monolog on sense of purpose and living in the moment at sea was exactly what I needed to hear. I've been watching you two since almost the beginning of your adventures. Jordan you surprise me with your insight and how well you can articulate (sometimes :)) Thanks you two!! We are all pulling for you.

  8. I’ve never used a whisker pole winged out on the same side as the main. Is that unusual? And, dude, your beard is getting WHITE! It’s skipping gray and going straight to white lol.

  9. Next Saturday, you'll probably pass Gibraltar and enter the Med. I'm curious whether you'll port along southern Europe and look forward to seeing Malta. That's a place drenched in history. The Greek aisles.

  10. What a night and day difference on this passage than the one from Bermuda to the Azores. You could see the pain and desperation on that one…vs bliss and joy on this one!

  11. Love your story telling. What a talent to bring us into your home and make us wish were there. Your joy of living spreads great ideas on the ocean. I have learned so much from you two. I look forward to your weekly updates. Fair sailing and great weather for you!

  12. I love to hear how much you appreciate the good times and notice those little things that make living worth living. You are living life to the max. Thanks for sharing it with us. Love love love from the UK you inspire me everyday on my own boat project xxx

  13. What a sweet episode, even with the vomiting! I know what you mean about those "moments," where everything comes together in poetic harmony, and everything feels so right. There are the moments that feel like an eternity that you just want to wake up from but can't, but with some planning and discretion those are the exception, and you can't quite enjoy those moments of contentment and peace without the contrast of those godawful hours of anxiety and discomfort. Looking forward to another landfall.

  14. I really liked hearing the sounds of the ocean and boat without overriding music. And so interesting to see the effects on you both when sailing!

  15. Glad this passage has been so nice once the rocking about stopped. Thanks for sharing how relaxing it was for the few days.. I feel like I needed that too.

  16. Just a beautiful story! You guys are the best. (Let’s see…parsley, chive?, shallot dressing…I know I saw some chick peas in there…lovely salad!) 💕😎💕😎💕

  17. Jordan, you two buds are really good at personality, height :), videography, story telling, humor, culinary delights, a pleasant voice, good ideas, musical scores, but what stands out is the lack of choreography and musical numbers with singing! (sober!) So while sitting around the marina all day, work on becoming better balanced in your presentations and let's see some song and dance routines! 😉 Look how well West Side Story and South Pacific turned out! 🙂 Who knows, the next big musical could be "Malta Marina"! You could even teach Oso to howl on cue!

  18. You are on a moonless clear night sky with no wind. The sea is a mirror of the sky for as far as the eye can see.

    The engine barely over an idle is providing a slight back ground to your hearing but the prop digging in is providing a small physical sensation to your body.
    The phosphorescence of the sea is turning up camp fire embers from below in your bow wake.
    You get sucked into the world between sea and sky. You sit there just absorbing with no mind to move. You do not want to stand because it will disrupt your pleasure in this moment. It might shake you back to where you are physically so not wanting to be at the moment. You are trapped to where the sea is the sky and the sky is the sea.

    A billion stars are upon you from both the sky and the sea.

    You are trapped between sky and the sea yearning to never let go.

  19. Thats a calm, impressive passage! It usually takes three or four days to reach your "happy place" and you did. Atticus II takes good care of you! Impressive yacht! Sail on! Can't wait to meet your new crew member!

  20. Well, I’ve just had my catch up of the last two weeks. I feel at peace with the world again!!!!
    I adore the absolute bones of you both!!!
    I hope you don’t mind me saying.
    Sending love your way. ❤️

  21. Wow, so beautiful you guys! Made my heart happy to see Oso as incredibly comfortable with the boat life as you are. Eloquent summary at the end, all that hard work was worth it. Fair winds!

  22. I am amazed at everything you do, but your camera work is beyond explanation. It's as if you have a film crew following along with each journey. Thank you so much for allowing us to tag along.

  23. SO HAPPY for you guys being able to enjoy a calm passage! Watching these last 2 videos since you left the Azores has been relaxing and meditative for me as well!

  24. Great videos guys, thanks. Out of interest, why do use 12 minutes as the horizon scanning interval? is this due to location or something else? Safe travels and fair winds.

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