Printr-o serie de evenimente, am ajuns în New York City, pe râul Hudson, cu câteva zeci de creatori și câteva milioane de stridii. Consultați Proiectul Billion Oyster: ❤ Alăturați-vă echipajului nostru! ❤ Pentru conținut exclusiv, în culise și întrebări și răspunsuri: Am activat funcția „Strângere de fonduri” pentru acest videoclip. Veți vedea un link pentru a dona, iar 100% din fonduri vor merge către Proiectul Billion Oyster. Dacă doriți să aflați mai multe despre munca lor, consultați site-ul lor: ☝Full Scoop On The Blog 📷 Photo & Video Equipment 📷 https: // 📱 ACTUALIZĂRI pe Social 📱 INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: 📧Notificări prin e-mail, ca să nu faci niciodată ratați un videoclip🍦 🎶 MUZICA pentru videoclipuri. 2 luni gratuit: Artiști – FASSounds, Southside Aces, Cosmonkey, Rex Banner 🎨 Active creative pentru Vids (SFX, Templates & Presets): – array-GWTW 🎽PUNEȚI SWAG-UL: 💯Modalități GRATUITE de a susține producțiile noastre ––––- ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––- SUNTEM JASON ȘI NIKKI WYNN. Câțiva documentaristi moderni, călători perpetui și căutători de povești înalte. Ne urmărim curiozitatea în jurul lumii pe roți și chile din 2011. De ce? Pentru că curiozitatea este cheia pentru deblocarea vieții. Ne împinge în afara zonei noastre de confort, ne înmoaie presupunerile și ne ajută să îmbrățișăm marele necunoscut. Cu cât ne lăsăm mai mult curiozitatea să ne conducă, cu atât descoperim mai mult despre noi înșine și despre lumea din jurul nostru. Casa noastră este și mijlocul nostru de transport și petrecem săptămâni departe de civilizație și uneori de pământ. Încrederea în sine și un stil de viață durabil sunt o necesitate. Totul este să ne gestionăm resursele și căutăm mereu modalități noi și mai bune de a face acest lucru. Trăim în afara rețelei de peste 10 ani în orice, de la o dubiță la RV până la o barcă cu pânze. Și de-a lungul timpului am învățat multe despre energia regenerabilă, crearea apei potabile sigure și gestionarea deșeurilor noastre. Călătoria noastră este în continuă evoluție, dar misiunea rămâne aceeași: #CultivateCuriosity Timestamps dacă doriți să săriți: 00:00 Suntem în NYC și Cum am ajuns aici 01:30 Creator Colabs & Climate Summit 03:01 Governors Island & Echipajul nostru 04:51 Boating NYC 05:18 Ce este Billion Oyster Project? 06:50 Ce crește în apa din NYC? 08:02 Putem mânca stridii cultivate în New York? 08:36 Porturile din NYC sunt pline de APE UNALĂ NUTE (CRAP) 09:13 Terminalul de cereale fantomă și un vis MARE 10:52 Țineți scoici de stridii departe de groapa de gunoi 11:29 Cum să creșteți stridii și să creați recife de stridii 12:27 Un demn serios Cauza 13:09 Oyster Interviu @Climate Town 13:27 Oyster Interviu @Gold Shaw Farm 13:46 Oyster Interviu @Be Smart 14:45 Actualizare în timp real: ce urmează pentru noi? ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––- #BoatLife #Catamaran #TravelVlog #DigitalNomad #Stil de viață #Barci cu pânze © Gone With the Wynns 2022
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So much fun to spend the day with y’all learning about this cool environmental solutions project! Let me know when you get your new boat and I’ll come aboard for some “science of sailing”!! 🤓
your buying a million dollar boat. you travel the world. equity? equal opportunity? i'm disappointed.
Oh God!! Please don't get political. Climate change, Diversity and Equity not here not what we wanna see please.
Cool video guys, looking forward to your collab with Nauti and a trip on a HH!
Regarding donating, I don't have the button, just see a message
"Sorry, you can't donate in this country or region yet."
I'm in Australia….. 🤦♂
I nearly passed on this vid. Maybe it was the headline/ thumbnail? I have to say that it was typical Wynn. Interesting Informative Balanced Engaging The Oyster industry is close to my heart. So easily lost. So hard to recreate. Thank you
welcome back to the states! and what an incredible event you got to participate in. hope our paths cross again one of these days!
I grew up in and around New York City and water skied on the Hudson over 50 years ago dodging debris! Thanks for turning me on to the billion oyster project I sure hope it's working. Totally looking forward to your activity on the HH! All the best.
Great cause! + …we would love to be part of this kind of events!💕
Did anyone else literally cringe when the “insensitive to nature” guy flicked the lil fish with full force??? I’m a tough guy but I wouldn’t do the to a lil fish that’s already been held outta the water for likely 2-5 minutes
Hardly ever comment, just wanted to say your fans that folowed you all the way to alaska and your flat tire adventure (might have been an older than my sub, but was why I subscribed) all the way to now are sitting back and enjoying your adventures in the back ground. I get kinda board in the transition phaze but I am so excited for you and to see this new adventure!
Hey glad you two made it home safe .
It was so much fun hanging out with you guys! We’ll have to plan a farming adventure soon!
Wow Jason and Nikki now I can agree with you on a pollution issue. Dumping raw sewage into a waterway. It is interesting that there is a creature created to help clean-up an ecosystem.
But as usual I can't help myself. You said in this you tube, the conference had sessions on how to answer question from people like me, The global warming skeptic!
Question. Did the conference explain how to answer a question on CO2?
Question. How can CO2 a trace gas in the atmosphere that is essential for plant life be a pollutant?
Now I realize you don't have time to answer many questions so I will tell give my answer as to why it is not.
1: CO2 is a trace gas in our atmosphere, 407 ppm. Remember 10,000 ppm is one percent, CO2 is a trace gas.
2: CO2 is an absolute requirement for plant growth. For vegetarians that might be important.
3: At 150 ppm all plant life dies. Plant grow begins to diminish long before 150ppm is reached.
Question. How low would to like CO2 levels to go?
Question: How slow would like plants to grow?
Question: Why is it climate change and not global warming? I'm told the oceans are only rising. That sounds like global warming.
Jason and Nikki I have a science back ground, with that everyone is free to believe what they like but the truth and the facts are just that.
Go back to your sail boat leave NY alone
I'd be disappointed if you chose the global route. Just horrified by the global groups and their beliefs.
I have been binge watching the great stories and beautiful videos of The Cruising Kiwis and absolutely love them! I'm looking for an additional sailing channel to watch so thought I'd check out yours!
You were in lovely New Zealand before this drinking wine etc and now here😂😂
Is it only us who has sound problems at around 11:43 minutes?
Creators for climate? When nuclear war is looming the climate is less than important at this point. Just stop with the woke crap.
ugh…."climate change"…."equity"…. watch out for the policies these same people in NY implement which increases your risk of getting assaulted……. why buy into the nonsense of "climate change"? yes, Geology, Chemistry and medicine degrees. your new boat was a fine idea and nothing wrong with running better but……. see ya!
What the Heck!!!!! Where in Arkansas were you guys??????? I live in North West Arkansas! I watch you guys all the time! My wife and are scheduled to take a catamaran Sailing corse in tge sea of Cortez in December! This is how much you both inspire me!
I truly would love to sail with you guys someday!
What in the world were you doing in Arkansas??
I love you guys! Best wishes and thank you for sharing your life with us!
Hey guys- I’ve been with you since the road days (former patreon but financially needed a break for a bit-it’s not you it’s me) I am a camper gal living in Colorado. None the less your story is not about sailing or RVing. You guys are about story telling and you do it very well. I’ll continue to follow your stories wherever you are. Thanks for all you do!
so informative and I'm so hopeful it works .At the same thing it's so sad I know we can d better!!! Change is good and the only thing you can depend on is everything will change.
I just got back from Bora Bora, and had planned to get to Tikehau but couldn't piece it together… are you going to stay for hammerhead season in the Tuamotus? It's coming up…
ps love the NYC oyster education!
Love all the adventures that you both do. I get to see it through you. Love change.
Nice episode. We've worked a bit with clean water and human waste overflows going right back into our water system. It is pretty shocking at the thousands of sewage overflows each year going into the waterways. I'm glad you showed a little about this. nice work!
Wish you were coming to Tampa! Maybe next time. I'm a potter, and work in a brewery too. If you ever want to make a mug, then drink beer out of it while learning to make that, you have a standing invite 😀 🍻
Thank you for being in my life. I really appreciate you both.
love it, love you, love the change. Please don't stop being you.
I am a super green person who is all about healing the planet for the atrocities that man has done to it. Sadly the real problem in New York is not the pollution it is the politician’s lack of investing in an infrastructure to handle the massive amount of humans that live there and create human waste. There is only two options for healing NY Harbor. 1. Get rid of the massive amount of humans that live there (Highly unlikely). Or 2. Force the politicians to invest in infrastructure to keep pollution out of the harbor. As for the YouTube “creators for climate action summit” this sounds more like someone pushing an agenda (YouTubers doing reach arounds). Stay away from the lies (they have agendas and it is NOT the climate) that these people who put these events on say. The climate and pollution are two totally different things! One does NOT control the other. Getting rid of Pollution is good. Thinking you can change the entire earth’s climate says you are clearly a Narcissist. As a pilot who flies at over 45,000 feet I see just how small the human race is. If every single person in the world pored all their efforts and money into trying to change our climate (warm it up or cool it down) they could not change it even one thousandth of a degree. Anyone who tells you differently is not being honest with you. We were once in an ice age and for some reason we were out of it before humans where even on this earth. How did that happen? OUR CLIMATE IS ALWAYS CHANGING! Humans have no impact on our climate. However humans are 100% guilty of pollution. That can be changed and should be changed. But again, our climate and pollution are two totally separate things. One does not affect the other.
I have been with you since the RV days and what ever you are doing I am on board with it. Keep the videos coming and I will keep watching. Land locked in Fort Worth, Texas.
You probably have no interest in meeting up with a random stranger from the internet who isn't even a patreon, but if you're back in Arkansas let me know – I'll buy you beers at Lost Forty Brewing in Little Rock. We can swap stories about JustCats 😉