Începem să pătrundem în barca noastră cu pânze după ce descoperim apă sărată venită dintr-o coliziune pe mare. Aflați cu noi amploarea pagubelor în timp ce scoatem barca și scoatem cârma. #sailing #sailingaroundtheworld #repair Vizitați site-ul nostru pentru urmărire în direct prin Predictwind: www.sweetruca.com Alăturați-vă sau creați un echipaj pe Patreon pentru a ne susține munca și a obține detalii în culise în timp real: www.patreon.com/ruca Urmărește-ne pe Instagram @ rucasailing Binge urmăriți toate episoadele aici: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj_YFkwTaqI57pt3oWcValgmfbNxNSA5_ Vrei să ne sprijini fără niciun cost pentru tine? Cumpărați prin linkurile de mai jos pentru a ne ajuta să ne atingem obiectivele. Link afiliat PredictWind: https://www.predictwind.com/?ref=sailingsweetruca Link afiliat Amazon: https://www.amazon.com?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=sailingsweetr-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=3e942d801b87a501b87a501b87a501b87a501b87a94b8b8794b8b8b8b8b998b8b8b8b8b999b8b8b8b8b99b9b8b8b7 Link afiliat @Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/ey2t4k În acest videoclip 0:00 Rezumatul episodului anterior al coliziunii noastre pe mare, cum am navigat spre Itajai și discuții despre ruperea cârmei care a cauzat daune iahturilor în evenimente majore, cum ar fi Transpac, ARC și Volvo Ocean Race 1:24 Remorcarea barca cu pânze: ne spălăm J Boats J/46 înainte de transport, dar viața de navigare nu este niciodată ușoară, deoarece trebuie să pregătim o soluție pentru a ne conecta. furtun. Apoi ne întoarcem în planșa travel lift, punem barca pe hard și scoatem cadranul de direcție pentru îndepărtarea cârmei. 3:52 Pagubele dezvăluite. Inspectarea ambarcațiunii și determinarea modului în care o coliziune cu un OZN (obiect plutitor subacvatic) sau o posibilă balenă a provocat daune bărcii noastre 7:54 Curtis conduce spre sud, spre Porto Bello, Brazilia, pentru a ridica o pompă de vid și provizii de la Gabriel @Magma Yachts aruncăm o privire asupra bărcilor pe care le construiesc în magazinul lor folosind perfuzie, inclusiv un curse/cruiser de 38 de picioare și un catamaran cu pumnal de 44 de picioare 10:42 Înapoi la Itajai Marina – Curtis discută despre procesul de reparare a fibrei de sticlă și despre planul și se pune la treabă tăierea în barca cu polizorul pentru a îndepărta miezul umed și a pregăti pentru laminare 14:50 Un tur al camerei de vopsit a @Catarina Náutica unde proprietarul Roberto ne-a arătat posibilitățile de culori personalizate de la AkzoNobel. 16:20 Concluzie și mulțumiri speciale Patronilor noștri și tuturor celor care ne-au ajutat și continuă să ne ajute să ne îndeplinim misiunea și să o împărtășim cu voi în aceste videoclipuri de navigație! Despre noi Kate și Curtis învață amândoi să navigheze când erau tineri. Kate era marinar junior în Opti’s și 420’s, în timp ce Curtis mergea în croazieră în Marele Lacuri cu familia sa. Ne-am cunoscut în timp ce navigam într-o regata Melges 24 și de atunci navigăm împreună. Prima dată când am mers în croazieră împreună ca un cuplu, a fost pe un prieteni împrumutat J Boats J 105 în Canalul de Nord al Lacului Huron și Canada (parte a Marii Buclei). Aceste câteva săptămâni și vizionarea altor canale precum Gone With the Wynns, Sailing Uma, Project Atticus, Delos, Nahoa și Sailing La Vagabonde, ne-au convins că viața de navigație era pentru noi. Ne-am cumpărat barca, un J Boats J/46, în 2019, după ce am petrecut ani de zile căutând barca cu pânze perfectă pentru a naviga în jurul lumii. Ne-au interesat un catamaran și monococa, dar ne-a plăcut designul de croazieră de performanță al lui J (este mai rapid decât majoritatea catamaranelor de croazieră). Am petrecut șase luni reamenajând-o în Rhode Island, înainte să ne vindem casa și mașinile, să renunțăm la locurile de muncă și să părăsim definitiv viața pe uscat pentru a deveni nomazi digitali, cu scopul de a naviga în jurul lumii prin Capul Horn. De atunci, am navigat împreună peste 12.000 de mile, prin furtuni, valuri mari, pandemii și blocaje. Am navigat spre Maine, Bahamas, Caraibe, Grenada, Sint Maarten, Azore, Insulele Canare și Brazilia, în drum spre sud, spre Uruguay, Argentina și Chile pentru a naviga în jurul Capului Horn și în fiordurile Patagoniei. Nu am intenționat niciodată să devenim influenți sau să începem un nou canal de navigație YouTube, dar acum este ceea ce facem. Ne place să vă împărtășim experiența și aventurile noastre. Am învățat să zburăm cu drona și să edităm videoclipuri, încercând să producem videoclipuri relaxante și ascultabile pe care să le puteți naviga și să vizionați acasă în timp ce beți o cafea duminica dimineața.
Tăierea în barca noastră cu vele – S-au dezvăluit daunele provocate de coliziune [Ep.87]
![Tăierea în barca noastră cu vele - S-au dezvăluit daunele provocate de coliziune [Ep.87]](https://sailingtv.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/1666898801_maxresdefault.jpg)
37 thoughts on “Tăierea în barca noastră cu vele – S-au dezvăluit daunele provocate de coliziune [Ep.87]”
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Loved the video. 3 things I noticed. Curtis found a razor blade store and put one to use shaving. Roxy was nowhere to be found to give her approval of the work and Kate always has a smile no matter what is happening. You all seem to attract the most amazing people to befriend. Speaks volumes about your character. Keep having fun and stay safe. Bill
Good to see you’re in good hands and supplies !
It's either sailing, fixing or beer.CZ Booya. Carry on sailores.
Dang Spade rudders… When in doubt build hell for stout…
Great to see things looking good!!
Good content and nice job on troubleshooting and repairing! Cheers Captain Denny!
On the same day two videos popped up with similar topics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wLkVQEYt20
Another case against unsupported spade rudders in a blue water boat . Also cored hulls below the water line has always been a bad idea . I understand speed is great but at what cost ? You will hit stuff out there , that’s a fact . I would be suspect of the point in the hull where the post goes through . That point has be deflected I would look very close for delimitation. Bolt on fin keels are also suspect in a collision , look closely there as well .
Great videos, !!
I'm always impressed by lateral thinking. Taking the water filter apart to pirate a fitting… genius.
yay Rucas!! no matter what …always smiles!! don't bother with too much editing, just send it out, it's all uniquely interesting stuff !! eg Curtis/Magma, Porto Bello, Itajai etc. and all the over your shoulders images!
What about your rudder? When I first saw the missing paint from the top trailing edge corner, I knew that it had impacted your hull. I hope that the rudder post deformation remained in the elastic region and did not progress into the plastic region; otherwise it is bent. Was there any breaching of the top trailing edge corner of the rudder?
Wow man!
Quadrant access is seldom wonderful, but the J46 doesn’t look like the worst from that perspective? I’m sure Curtis was pretty fed up from working in cramped and contorted positions!
I’ll be interested to see how the vacuum bagging turns out – fortunate to have someone reasonably near by who could help out on that front. It hadn’t occurred to me that there would be such connectivity challenges for shore water, do you have similar problems with power connections?
Growing up in boatyards along the River Hamble, International paint tins were ubiquitous – it seemed that’s what everyone used!
Good job Curtis. You certainly can't afford to take short cuts on a job like this. Looking forward to seeing Sweet Ruca back in the water.
Like how you are vacumm bagging the repair. I remember closing up the aft internal bulkheads on a J, an important safety feature to isolate the aft lockers and steering gear. I think other builders such as Hanxe 37 have done this too.
You guys are amazing.
Thumbs up for the Brazilian store to have such an inventory of marine products. It made your life much easier, cheers
It looks like the whale pounded your rudder up into the boat a bit. I'm glad it seems the shaft isn't bent. Hopefully no split bearings either. I know you two are a bit behind on comments, it's not really a problem on my end. Cruisers are notorious for not being in contact with people for weeks or months…no biggie. We are setting up the green screen to start the Cat sailing YouTube channel. Hopefully we can get some of the interesting expressions he does playing. Then do an intro sequence. It may require hanging the green screen behind the boat in our house's yard. I can't seem to fix the engine fast enough to launch the boat at an expected December launch date. That is terrible, but hey maybe the filming season won't be a total loss with the green screen.
It looks like the whale pounded your rudder up into the boat a bit. I'm glad it seems the shaft isn't bent. Hopefully no split bearings either. I know you two are a bit behind on comments, it's not really a problem on my end. Cruisers are notorious for not being in contact with people for weeks or months…no biggie. We are setting up the green screen to start the Cat sailing YouTube channel. Hopefully we can get some of the interesting expressions he does playing. Then do an intro sequence. It may require hanging the green screen behind the boat in our house's yard. I can't seem to fix the engine fast enough to launch the boat at an expected December launch date. That is terrible, but hey maybe the filming season won't be a total loss with the green screen.
Impressive! Enjoy your knowledge
Rarely comment but sure do enjoy watching & listening to the way u explain your experiences. So glad u r in a port where there is excellent quality & availability ❤🇨🇦
"If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission." -Anonymous
Back in the early 1980s I worked for Performance Sailcraft. One of the owners -Ian Bruce was a close associate of Bruce Farr. The 2 Bruce’s collaborated to design the Laser 28. With support from DuPont we built the Laser 28 using a resign injection system. I think that it was the first ever resin injected production sailboat. I sailed on the prototype and later on the finished product. The 2 Bruce’s also collaborated on a Farr 38 which was blazing fast. Glad you’re almost back on the water. Love your videos!!
Great video, showing your competency. I really wish you had been put in for Best Emerging Channel, because Cape Horn is not something the others are willing to undertake.
Great editing and choice of music. Thanks for sharing
So glad you found the leak before it was too late and that you were able to find a port/marina with what you may need to fix it. By now you might be already sailing, if not, hope the repair goes smoothly. Cheers
Must be killer whale 🐳
Looks like you’re able to find support in this remote Brazilian town. Brazil with such a gigantic coast line doesn’t have a significant sailing tradition.
Well done so far!!👏👏
I love how technical this video was. I feel like this is information that anyone could find utility in knowing!
Hey guys great video as always, it wasn't clear to me but you are planning a few layers of glass on the outside of the hull as well I hope using at least the 12:1 scarf and overlapping layers with 50mm overlap each time to ensure structural integrity. Glad you have the access to materials and support good luck
Nice work carefully removing the soaked balsa core. We should talk about the kit boats I'm building. Would like your insight into the problems with dinghies for cruising sailors. I intend to design a much better, affordable and easy to repair dinghy.
OK good analysis so far but still, deeper questions need to be answered.
The top tip of the rudder created the damage to the hull. Apparently a sudden movement of the rudder post to the aft was evident to create this puncture..
That movement involves a lot of shock loading of the rudder shaft and being absorbed by the rudder shaft upper bearing or bushings.
Were these bearings checked for cracks..? What about the rudder shaft possible hairline cracks, not visible to the human eye.?
You need to have this checked with a non destructive crack detection system like Magnaflux and or die penetrant etc..
Keep in mind that "Sailing Hilma", skippered by a Swedish couple, lost their rudder in the middle of their Pacific Ocean passage. They had no knowledge of a UFO collision.
However they found out that the previous owner ran into some issues with a collision or grounding affecting the rudder..
The rudder loss happened way later in time and is a typical "fatigue" issue that is accelerated by hairline cracks.. I assume the shaft is SS and this material has not much elastic resiliency..
Not trying to scare you but, please go way deeper in the cause and effect analysis..In my days we used to call this a FMEA or Failure Mode and Effect Analysis..
Good Luck
Hey guys! Of you happen to stop in Florianopolis, send me a message. I am around😜
That's what happens when performance and weight saving are on top of the design principles (not structural integrity) = for racing and coastal sailing