Motivul pentru care motorul nostru nu funcționa | Episodul 11 ​​O mulțime de muncă cu barca

Motivul pentru care motorul nostru nu funcționa |  Episodul 11 ​​O mulțime de muncă cu barca

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26 thoughts on “Motivul pentru care motorul nostru nu funcționa | Episodul 11 ​​O mulțime de muncă cu barca

  1. Lee is the best! Nice problem solving! I agree with you about the water well, , that looks like a real problem during rough seas.
    Good work to all of you! 💖💖

  2. Oops. The water pump needed to be before the vented loop. Or put another way. The vented loop goes between the water pump and the head. Great work you guys. I know how many hours these jobs soak up and that’s without trying to video them.

  3. Great job Lee as usual problem solver. Rami from the boat show when I met and had pics with u and family. Good to see u back on the boat again!

  4. Depends on the electric toilet, but many of them don't have a vented loop, they have an internal shut-off valve. Some have them after the pump, but that isn't always possible.

  5. Our Immigration Policy is kinda Stupid…Hoping yer trip to Costa Rica was Fun anyway😜 Keep her up on the Refit👍 Continue to Stay Safe and Enjoy 😎

  6. I'd rather a sea chest than multiple through holes. Further shouldn't it be pump – vented loop – toilet? Pumps are normally better at pushing not sucking.

  7. The vented loop did its job perfectly. The VL valve opens when water is sucked in and allows air thru and closes when water is pushed out. As mentioned before the VL should be installed after the pump, I would remove the electric valve as this is another item to fail at the wrong time.

  8. When Luke said he was an actor, I thought like an aspiring actor, like all those Hollywood waiters, So I checked and he was actually being quite modest. He has an impressive list of credits to his name and rumor as it the new project that he could not mention, will make him a household name. So remember guys you met him here first.

  9. @Dailing Catalpa _ I've been following you goes since you sold your biz and went to live on the sea BUT this episode was CRAP! It was all over the place and missed the headline theme completely! Lee was going to get the engine running……….. SO, what happened…. do you see my point? _

  10. I had exactly the same problem with my heads even with a short run. With one I put in a solenoid after the pump on the water feed line, and the other I have taped off the suction and the pump prevents feed through. But I might take your lead and put a solenoid on the air vent. Good strategy. Separately, I am interested in a serviceable “bidet” feature as you had on Catalpa, its got to be a hands free arrangement though, if you have any thoughts.
    The real advantage of the sea chest approach is where you sail in cold climates where winterising is an issue. Ice expands 9% and has immense force so you really have to think through any plumbing that might get to freezing.
    If you can entice your son to be interested in learning Arduino programming (ie learning programming in C+), I can give him a list of paying marine related work.

  11. I’ve built Dubois super yachts and they had a Sea Chest system to control in coming sea water. The Sea Chest had a valve manifold connected to it. Then pipes went to different parts of the boat.

  12. I had exactly the same problem with my heads even with a short run. With one I put in a solenoid after the pump on the water feed line, and the other I have taped off the suction and the pump prevents feed through. But I will take your lead and put a solenoid on the air vents. Good strategy. Separately, I am interested in a serviceable “bidet” feature as you had on Catalpa, its got to be a hands free arrangement though, if you have any thoughts.
    The real advantage of the sea chest approach is where you sail in cold climates where winterising is an issue. Ice expands 9% and has immense force so you really have to think through any plumbing that might get to freezing.

  13. It’s called a a die grinder and there is a anonymous amount off uses and the attachment like, buffing , grinding,sanding,burring and so so many more.

  14. Weird video. You leave the country for a couple of minutes in Costa Rica I believe, and then your back in the States. Did I miss something? LOL!

  15. Glad your all having a blast .might be following your lead next year and pick up a boat in Cali .if my A plan falls over next year, my B plan is to go sailing 😉 .cheers from Oz .

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