Povestea până acum

Povestea până acum

Avem un mic videoclip în plus săptămâna aceasta, este o privire înapoi la călătoria de până acum. Patru ani de navigație de când am început canalul YT în 2019. De fapt, am pus totul împreună pentru show-ul nautic de la Annapolis, ca să rulăm la stand și să intrăm în competiția pentru „cel mai bun canal de navigație”. Din pacate nu am castigat! Dar am fost nominalizați în ultimele trei pentru cel mai bun episod, ceea ce a fost o mare onoare. Episodul de săptămâna viitoare va arăta tot ce s-a întâmplat la show-ul ambarcațiunii și vor apărea o mulțime de videoclipuri suplimentare cu tururi cu barca, așa că uitați-vă la ele (desigur că ne-am uitat doar la cele mai bune bărci!)


33 thoughts on “Povestea până acum

  1. We enjoyed this latest video and the edit of your adventures to date! It was so nice to meet up at the Annapolis Boat Show. So sorry there wasn’t more time to visit there. Looking forward to chatting again soon. Sheryl and Paul xo

  2. By far your sailing channel is one of the best and my favorites. It's obvious you two are skilled film makers and tie those skills together with your sailing. You've opened my eyes to sailing the Med, especially to the beauty of Turkey, Greece and other nearby countries. Thank you.

  3. Having watched all of your content over the last 2 or 3 years, I was astounded to realise that I handn't subscribed. That oversight has now been remedied. Thank you so much for your efforts. I particularly like your calm and rational approach to problem solving, your lack of clickbait and your expeditions ashore.

  4. Great vid. First time seeing your project. Keep it up! I am working on a GoPro mount for keelboats that I think could add some sweet angles. The idea is to get the camera well behind the boat so viewers can see the boat moving through the waves. Typically the camera is within the boat so you only see a portion of the boat. The closest example live so far is this one from my 17' sailing dinghy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h02-6wyFeQM&feature=share&si=ELPmzJkDCLju2KnD5oyZMQ&t=709

  5. Hermosas imágenes, muy buena elección de momentos, la música acompaña perfectamente, muy buen video ,gracias por su trabajo y tiempo, muchas muchas felicidades para ustedes 😊🇺🇾saludos desde Montevideo Uruguay

  6. A wonderful vid .As a person in his mid 50s you two are living a dream!! .This channel always gives me something to look forward to watching and have from season 1 always interesting and the technical ones very informative 👍 Hopefully one day I will be able to follow my dream of sailing oceans but for now I appreciate your great views ya'll share with us 😀 safe travels.

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