Dacă doriți să susțineți cu donații unice, faceți clic aici – https://www.paypal.me/Plukky Da, miniatura se potrivește de data aceasta…. Nimic decât calitate, echipajul distrându-se printre paradisul din sud-vestul Caraibelor într-un regiunea Panama numită San Blas. Frumoase plaje și insule curate, literalmente în mijlocul nicăieri. Uneori fetele sunt în bikini, alteori navigam, alteori pescuim și facem grătare pe plajă. Practic, distracție la soare. Am menționat apele cristaline, corali și insule pustii? Există și asta. Plus o prezentare Wormwood 55…..foarte frumos catamaran Celălalt canal de YouTube a fost Calico Skies. Oameni foarte drăguți. Numele sunt Bill și Grace. Doar uitați-vă la videoclip… nu pot să-l dezvălui pe tot. Dă-i cu degetul mare dacă ți-a plăcut acest episod! Sistemul de direcție automată a vântului din Atlantic de Sud https://www.south-atlantic.com.ar/index.html Cod:WYE6IEY8 Acesta este deschis numai pentru primele 50 de aplicații. Ia-ți tricoul Sailing In Freedom Crew: https://teespring.com/stores/sailing-into-freedom Vrei mai multe? Deveniți patronul nostru și obțineți acces la conținut exclusiv. https://www.patreon.com/sailingintofreedom Dacă doriți să susțineți cu o singură donație, faceți clic aici – https://www.paypal.me/Plukky Vedeți câteva echipamente pe care le avem pe barcă: Invertor https:// www.amazon.com/Xantrex-PROWatt-Inverter-Model-806-1220/dp/B002LGEMOQ/ref=sr_1_5_mod_primary_new?dchild=1&keywords=marine+inverter&qid=1616102481&sbo=DF3%2481&sbo=DF3%2481&sbo=2%2FV2&sbo=2%2FV2&sbo=2%2FV2&sbo=2%2FV2 5 radio portabil https://www.amazon.com/Standard-Horizon-HX210-6W-Compact/dp/B07KN6LKVG/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=marine+radio&qid=1616102542&sr=8-6 Asociat câștigați din achiziții eligibile și apreciez foarte mult sprijinul dumneavoastră!) Urmărește-ne și pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailingintofreedom Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sailingintofreedom Site-ul nostru: https:// www.sailingintofreedom.comDă-i cu degetul mare dacă ți-a plăcut acest episod! Ia-ți tricoul Sailing In Freedom Crew: https://teespring.com/stores/sailing-into-freedom Vrei mai multe? Deveniți patronul nostru și obțineți acces la conținut exclusiv. https://www.patreon.com/sailingintofreedom Și acum pentru ceva complet diferit. Acest canal este similar cu canalele de la Delos și Vagabond. De asemenea, o mențiune notabilă sunt Gone with the Wynns, Sailing Uma și Sailing Doodles. Și doar pentru a varia conținutul aici, am pus asta.
Ep. 405 Mușchi

39 thoughts on “Ep. 405 Mușchi”
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Unfortunately some people cannot equalize. My Dad blew out an ear drum trying to dive deeper than me. I've always been able to equalize at will, no nose holding or blowing required, so I had no problem going deeper than him. Thanks for showing us how to rubber up.
I think hanging out with you plucky ,when the girls go home they will know how lucky they are to be able to flush the dunny and shower with endless amounts of water
ouch i drink alot of coffee with milk and thats just the start of it
and i definitely looooove chockalate and that too is just the start of it ,,,,rrrr welll looks like i'm not diving 
Peter you still are my favorite
Cave man.
Another great video.. I'm keep u l l, I
Clearing Ears: Plucky have her take 2 red tab pseudoephedrine. Otherwise known as Sudafed. Make certain on the ingredients is says pseudoephedrine as some versions of Sudafed are not and don't work. Also under other store brand names. I've assisted dive instructors before and this cures 80-90% of people that cannot equalize. I take them anyways cause it makes equalizing super easy. Also works if your a bit under weather. Only quality people

Strangely, it might help the equalizing maneuver to start sniffing salt water. CLEAN salt water – boiled briefly, then cooled. Doing so helps remove mucus and lessens swelling of nasal tissues, so equalizing pressure is easier. But if can do the maneuverer out of the water, then try it just under the surface at first; the technique might be a little different, making it more difficult, when inverted or deeper or trying to go deeper. Good luck with that; it's worth leaning. It's incredible to be able to go down where there's lots of sea life.
Would ear plugs remove the need to equalize?
Girls should never be allowed to eat chocolate especially in England where most girls prefer eating chocolate to having sex .. Most wealthy parents send their girls to a posh finishing school ..Part of their curriculum should be to send them on for a couple of months to Plukky's finishing school for girls in the Caribbean…….hopefully soon the cat will come along which can accommodate 5 or 6 girls………
I feel like this episode should have been titled, that's what she said…lol.
Lucky Plucky and his beautiful crew.
Great vid!
Good show Plukky Thanks
i think ginger was starving lol look at eat girl lol
spish fecies.
Professor Hairy Higgins
Hey Plukky, I have always had pain when trying to equalise but finally after 60 odd years found out the reason. Everyone said hold your nose and blow and this is not quite right. It is more of Hold your nose blow and put your chin to your neck and tense your neck. When I figured it out the instructors I told said yes that's it but they never understand it until told.
Good Lord Plukky! No milk and chocolate chip cookies?!?
Any updates on the Mumby and Lisa?
What's going on with the mumby what's with the new crew
Nothing but quality people.
Ladies great job at looking interested in what peter has to say.. just jokes plucky
Top stuff.. gracious! 
I've found that taking allergy medicine (Loratadine/ Claritin) the night before the dive helps me alot when I'm scuba diving. Also, I've found videos on youtube that demonstrate ear and sinus massage to promote drainage
Great to have you back where you belong. Ihope the boat show was a success, certainly tiring to have your stage face on for a week . When i saw the head of James i thought they're going to get arrested for boisterous behavour . Thanks to all who lubed your journey i had to use lubed after

an episode all about rubbers. good on ya pluckster.
excellent video and info – I have a herbal product all divers should use – I will contact U email
Excellent video!
Masterfully edited by our new crew.
Can’t wait for the next one.
It’s a well known fact it’s way easier to equalize while bare chested. The problem I see then is two fold. One how to attach the flip flop. 2 how can we enjoy videos on YouTube.
Keep working on it.
I dive alot and i eat alot of Diary. No problem,
We don't stuff Turkey holes in Australia cause it's against the law.
Show the girls the 6 ways to equalize, plenty on the subject on the internet. I have scar tissue on my left ear from rupturing from a water skiing accident. So, struggled with equalizing, until I found the Frenzel and Toynbee methods. Also, let the girls know, whatever methods, when holding the nose, only need to slightly begin to move the flesh part mid nose, no more, don’t need them blowing out an ear drum. Second thing that helped was Vented ear plugs “Doc’s vented ear plugs”, keeps the water in the ear avoiding air bubbles blocking, stuck in the ear canal, and keeps the water body temperature. The water being body temperature helps keep the membranes more relaxed and flexible, a must when I dive in colder water like winter in SoCal . Checkout Ear Doctor Edmond Kay, that did a lecture on the subject, on YouTube, excellent video. After watching his video, I’m positive the girls will be able to equalize! Another fun video Plucky!

King, With Young people too, love it

All a bit Boyles law and ya Eustachian tubes.. eat plenty of garlic and onion..
You seem to besotted with Delos , every upload for the last month or so has had Brian or Delos mentioned ; you do know we watch your channel because we enjoy your take on things ?
Good explanation on the basics of setting up a spearfishing gun and using it despite all the talk of rubbers, balls, spears and then the anticlimax at the end with no fish!
You'll get them sorted

Some people (like me) can flex the ear drum muscle, which allows equalization, it also streches the hind roof of the mouth for some reason. I hear the crackling n my ear when I do it.. How is the mumby comming along? What's the price tag? Are you building already? You know billionairs sometimes ask to build two, sell one, pays for the one you keep
When is the lesson on climbing the coconut
tree. Remember the Charcoal 

Hi Peter, I’m a trained SCUBA diver from Victoria, dived up and down the Qld coast, NSW and Vic. The whole mucus being due to consuming dairy foods is not true and various studies have never found a causal link. The girls probably have a more mundane problem at least as Occham’s Razor would have it, the most simple solution is usually the best. Maybe they have a build up of wax in their ears close to the drum. See if they can blow air through their tear ducts.