Nu este ușor să fii de cealaltă parte și să filmezi un căpitan de iaht care se luptă cu vânt și curent pentru a-și găsi alunecarea. Astăzi suntem din nou la râul Miami și avem primul nostru Yacht Chit Show! Așteaptă! Numele meu este Alfred Montaner Prezentul Chit Show din Miami. Pălării Chit Show sunt disponibile pe
Iaht masiv se luptă pentru a andocare! (Miami River Chit Show!)

21 thoughts on “Iaht masiv se luptă pentru a andocare! (Miami River Chit Show!)”
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Alfred! You keep us so entertained! Your commentary is just the best! Thank you so much for the best thing on our tv! And, it’s free! How crazy is that!?

Bad Captain?
Silly Americans with their childish behavior trying to sound “funny”!
When you said you were going to single handedly clean up the Miami river.. I seriously lol’d
Always put your stern into the elements when backing into a slip.
back in against current on on a 35% angle use momentum coming on to dock. This idiot was doing exactly opposite, completely wrong.
Wish there was less talking. I know some viewers like it. But I enjoy your videos
It’s a lot harder when the wind is ripping
What the hell is chit show?
You are talking to damm much. Let the video sow how to do it.
If he could get someone to get a line on the port side of the boat on a piling then he could just use reverse and thrusters.
No damage, no injuries = perfect docking. Crap commentary.
Put the stern into the current. He is a thruster captain
That captain was cautious and tried again instead of making a bad situation worse. Good job.
Always into the wind
He did a good job
Back into the current. All wrong Captain.
Had to tuemrn off your sound because of you ridiculous comments.
You talk to much Bro
My opinion, this captain certainly had his work cut out for him especially dealing with the current! I can’t imagine even attempting docking a yacht of this size! But, I’m not a boat captain. I used to sit on my balcony when I lived in Annapolis, Md and I saw these type things just about everyday, sadly, I saw quite a few yachts like this one, and larger ones where the captain seemed to have no clue on docking, and/or anything else that went along with the responsibilities of handling any size boats!
Abort the mission, 'cuz I'm goin' fishin'
For a girl that's smokin', with a mind that ain't broken!