La 76 de ani m-am pensionat și mi-am cumpărat o barcă cu vele. Toți prietenii mei au crezut că sunt prea bătrân și destul de supărat să merg la navigație la vârsta mea, fac tot posibilul să le dovedesc că se înșală. Anul acesta, am 78 de ani și am navigat, cu o singură mână, pe Zephyr IV, Westerly Ocean Quest de 35 de picioare de la Portsmouth Harbour la Falmouth și înapoi. Acest videoclip este partea 3 a croazierei, fragmentul de la Dartmouth la Falmouth, prin Salcombe, River Yealm și Fowey. Speram să vină și prietenul meu Bill (Portland Bill, așa cum l-a numit cineva), dar a avut o înlocuire a genunchiului în această vară și nu a putut să mi se alăture. Așa că am mers Solo. Prietenii mei landlubber sunt acum convinși că sunt din cap, dar a mers bine, fără probleme …. Totuși!
Navigație cu o singură mână de la Dartmouth la Falmouth, la West Country Partea 3

12 thoughts on “Navigație cu o singură mână de la Dartmouth la Falmouth, la West Country Partea 3”
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Nice work Dave. Look forward to the next one. All the best 😉
Well done Dave. We never got past Fowey. The camera always flattens the view of the waves so I can see it was pretty unpleasant at times
Your video just popped up in my feed, quite enjoying it! I am curious though, why at 12:40 is that sheet led back aft? What's on t'other end? Happy to subscribe.
Another great video, Dave. I thoroughly enjoyed the passage with you, reminiscing all the way. My boat partner and I bought our third and last boat in Falmouth, (Mylor) and we loved sailing around that part of the west country. Many thanks for sharing, once again.
Very interesting to see that coastline that is so different to ours.
You say " 's not so bad," …. my griselled old mate says "it couldn't get better, could it?".
Pilotage, or the art of getting lost in plain sight inshore….I would have said just get out your navy onyx but that of course multiplies the scale issue by, well an infinity of different scales. As I zoom in, I often confuse marks around me because I thought they were much further away. So if you're happy and good with paper, getting it wrong once isn't do bad…..mind you, sometimes it only takes once (Heheh).
…..and then there's your peg…..looked a bit precarious🤥
You were impressive on the gazoo in the first bit.
Lovely vid. Closest to the sailing most of us actually do as opposed to dream about.
I noticed your main sheet sitting on the spray hood. I've always thought travellers better for boat and rig stresses (especially bigger winds), the further from the boom….but the sprayhood had never occurred to me. Yours isn't quite far enough?
Idle thoughts on the matter Dave?
lovely sail…. Falmouth is always a great place to sail to … lived there for over 30 years !!!! Cheers from Muros
Thanks for these vlogs Dave, It is interesting to see Fowey from the sea, I was there last week but ashore. I hope that one day I will sail along that coast too 🙂
❤️ what a wonderful trip Dave! Are you/did you video the return journey?
That was som good sailing. Well done and a pleasure to watch. Best regards from Jarle
Great videos Dave, rather enjoyable! Very nice to see from Dartmouth to the Yealm, an area I've not explored. I'm fairly local to Fowey. If you ever need an extra pair of hands let me know.