Cum să conectați la cald o barcă cu vele: navigarea în jurul punctului de pornire I Ep. 53

Cum să conectați la cald o barcă cu vele: navigarea în jurul punctului de pornire I Ep.  53

Cum să conectați la cald o barcă cu vele: navigarea în jurul punctului de pornire I Ep. 53 #Sailing #SailingIndiana #HotwireSailboat În acest episod… ați ghicit, ne pornim motorul la pornire la cald în urma problemelor de pornire! În ultimul episod am pornit de la Brighton și ne-am început trecerea de-a lungul coastei de sud a Regatului Unit spre Darmouth. În acest episod ne hotărâm să ne îndreptăm de la Darmouth la Salcombe, dar când pornim motorul, ne dăm seama că nu va porni! În schimb, face un zgomot oribil și, încă o dată, trebuie să ne reparăm motorul înainte de a putea porni! Cu un telefon către prietenul nostru uimitor Guy, am identificat că motorul nostru de pornire/solenoidul era problema și astfel motorul nu se va întoarce. Trăind la bordul barca cu pânze, am ajuns să ne cunoaștem barca și, după cum unii dintre voi ați văzut, ne-am reconstruit motorul de două ori. Deci, cu ajutorul lui Guy, am avut o soluție simplă și o soluție rapidă pentru a pune în funcțiune motorul nostru diesel Yanmar 3GM30F pentru a ne duce la Salcombe, l-am conectat la cald! **Dezvăluire** Vă rugăm să nu furați o barcă, faceți asta doar pe propria dvs. ambarcațiune dacă este necesar! Printre haos, ne veți vedea explorând coasta Marii Britanii, ne vom îmbiba într-o plimbare cu barca, folosim aplicația noastră de încredere Savvy Navvy pentru a ne urca un râu și a vizita minunatul sediu central North Sands Paddleboards! Sperăm să vă bucurați de acesta! L & C x CAPITOLUL: 00:00 – Introducere 00:33 – La acest episod… 01:53 – Cum să conectați o barcă 04:31 – Dartmouth la Salcombe 08:27 – Noi începuturi 09:49 – Salcombe 11:28 – Tender Time 12:52 – Savvy Navvy 15:49 – Round up 17:30 – NorthSands Paddleboards NE SPRIJINĂ… CUMPĂRĂ MARFĂ: DEVENI PATREON: https :// CUMPĂRĂ-NE O CAFEA: URMEAZĂ CĂLĂTORIA NOASTRA PE INSTAGRAM: URMEAZĂ CĂLĂTORIA NOASTRA PE FACEBOOK: https :// LINKURI UTILE: SAVVY NAVVY: NORTH SANDS PADDLEBOARDS: Cod – ‘sailingindiana’ shop-paddle-boards?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuvuS-vrE-QIVz-7tCh1Vkg_FEAAYASAAEgKStfD_BwE


20 thoughts on “Cum să conectați la cald o barcă cu vele: navigarea în jurul punctului de pornire I Ep. 53

  1. WOW!!! Guys & dolls, every journey is an Adventure especially on the open waters. Guy is absolute Superstar 🙏🙏 You guys should be proud of your self's. Problem solving in life is the key. No matter how many problems you solve, there will be a whole bunch more waiting for you. So surround yourself with problems you like to deal with. Life will then feel more fulfilling. Enough of the preaching. Take care enjoy 😎⚓⛵⛵

  2. So is the technical term a 'Spanner Start'? Well done because losing the 'phone looks pretty stressful. Hope the next stage is not just plain sailing but good sailing.

  3. glad you were able to get it started. Though it is really hard to diagnose from a far and even harder via you tube, if it doesn't start with the engine panel but does with the hot wire method, you likely have high resistance on the wire circuit from the solenoid to the engine panel. for a temp/emergency piece of kit, hit up an auto parts store and ask for a remote starter button. mechanics use it to be able to operate the starter from the engine bay. it has alligator clamps on wire leads and a hand held button. it avoids all the sparks and having your hands about the belt. also, with the amount of sparks, you likely did a bit of DC welding to those studs which deforms the threads. thanks for filming and bummer on the phone. cheers from Seattle, US

  4. Oh guys – rough start to the morning! Guy really is a knight in shining armour. Helped you with your engine a few times, and has also been our saviour now 😁 I'm glad you got it sorted and on the way.

  5. Well its Sunday night and time to see what L&C on Sailing Indiana have been up to 🙂 Sorry to see the China take a tumble, but do keep going with real plates and mugs. I am astonished how little we have broken over the years, though the cut glass wine glasses live in their protective box (charity shop purchase in Brixham for £7). Suggest you have a look on Amazon for turn catches. only needed at sea.

    Like the change in format 🙂

  6. Engine not starting just as you are about to set off on a passage would just have most of us staying put! Well done for sorting it, we all need a Guy! Get yourselves a dry bag for phone and cameras…loads out there. David.

  7. Alway fun to watch, never a dull moment good tip on the jump starting across the starter motor. Pleased to see you have done little hops rather than the direct run straight to Falmouth. So sorry to hear about the loss of your phone they've become an essential part of life now. Shame about the loss of footage but enjoyable all the same. If you didnt recognise the comment its Clive just using our sailing account.

  8. Reminds me of a time years ago, we had pyrex mugs in a holder on our bulkhead. We came off a wave hard and it flexed the boat causing one of the mugs to explode sending bits everywhere 🤣. You live and learn I guess.

  9. We like the talking to camera in between footage bits, you both come across very natural and we know how hard it is to do!
    Wow what an start, but the scenery and sun rise make it all worth while, beautiful!
    I’m sure you already know this, but in the caravan we use melamine plates and bowls…no breaking!
    Another fantastic video, well done guys!
    PS can I have Guys number….just in case?🤣😂🤣
    Catch up soon
    Graham and Claire x

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