Cele mai izolate locuri de la marginea Pământului

Cele mai izolate locuri de la marginea Pământului

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29 thoughts on “Cele mai izolate locuri de la marginea Pământului

  1. Thoroughly enjoyed watching this video! The lives of these people in the areas mentioned are less complicated, a lot simpler and possibly happier than those who more condensed areas.

  2. Naples is safe?? I have reason to think it's possible due to ET's claims. It's been passed around that ET's have interfered and can prevent natural destructive events on earth at various times unknown to most humans. Beware of ET games – Secret smooth slave marked designs!

  3. your info on the isolated house on the icelandic island couldn't be further from the truth if you said the man from mars built a vacation home on earth. no one is allowed on the island, ever. it's not a nature reserve either, and it was never a hunting lodge. think about it, the entire island is visible – what are they going to hunt? it's a field office for scientists to study how islands create their own biodiversity. the island is less than 100 years old born from a volcano. boat landings are treacherous at best and helicopter landings are even more dangerous and life threatening. any visit requests to the island must go through the icelandic government and only the rarest permits are granted and if granted, visitation will last a couple of hours. the bjork thing, you flat out made that up. i mean really, do your actual research, or just search youtube

  4. Unfortunately, New Orleans is not isolated or on the edge of the earth. It can be on a list of sinking cities or cities that need to be evacuated and shut down, but not on a list of isolated places.

  5. You must not call Tibet – china, it is not, it is an occupied country by military force of china, where genocide was committed against the Tibetan people, It Is TIBET, not china. The culture and Buddhist traditions of Tibet were ransacked and murdered by the Chinese government, in 1956.Onwards. Do not let the passing of time cover up a genocidal occupation. Report the truth.
    The refugees of this genocide are still flooding into India, So you do the the beautiful hospitality and protection of India a historical injustice as well. Tibet is not china, china will never be Tibet. I was really enjoying your collection until you said that.
    Just tell the truth in all that you report. Tibet is a Chinese military occupied country, many young Chinese people are ashamed of this, so please do a documentary on "The lost Monasteries, and traditional Culture of Tibet" Thank you. Kindly, Alaya Shunyata. Karma Nwuyang Dolka.

  6. china has no counties in TIBET you bring great pain calling TIBET china. MEDOG TIBET is not a chinese county. A county can only be given the status of a county if agreed by the peoples who have inhabited it for thousands of years, you go backwards and forwards in your narration to sickening effect, one second calling it TIBET and the next second calling it an owned part of china. It is as if you are trying to educate people into now calling TIBET china. Please do not mis-educate my children and grandchildren. Tell the truth or risk being known as a channel that does not, I was going to subscribe to you, but I will not now. Karma Nuwyang Dolka.

  7. Would you rather live in La Rinconada and potentially find gold or live in San Fransisco knowing you’ll find feces and used drug needles? 🤔

  8. you showed the incorrect flag for South Africa. It was the previous regime under a different and banned flag, who together with Israel did naughty things way out in the ocean, The ANC government would only do that with the Palestinians, lol

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