Inaugurarea feribotului SPIRIT OF TASMANIA de la Devonport la Geelong – 23 octombrie 2022

Inaugurarea feribotului SPIRIT OF TASMANIA de la Devonport la Geelong - 23 octombrie 2022

Bine ați venit la prima mea recenzie de feribot!! The Spirit of Tasmania este numele comercial al operatorului de feriboturi TT-Line Company, care operează în prezent două nave monococa între Australia continentală și Tasmania. Vasele sunt numite Spirit of Tasmania I și Spirit of Tasmania II. Pe 23 octombrie 2022, Spirit și-a mutat terminalul victorian de la digul stației din Melbourne la Geelong. În acest videoclip vă voi arăta cum a fost la bordul călătoriei inaugurale a feribotului către Geelong și cum este noul terminal din Geelong. Sa mergem! Acest videoclip a fost filmat în perioada 20 octombrie – 23 octombrie 2022 De la Devonport la Geelong Spirit of Tasmania I Construit în: Finlanda, 1998 Tonaj: 29.338 GT, 5.651 DWT Lungime: 194,3 m (637 ft 7 in) Lungime: 25 ft (82 ft) Capacitate: 1.400 pax, 220 cabine, 500 mașini Viteză maximă: 30,8 kn (57,04 km/h) Cabină: 8032 cu două paturi Cabină privat hubblog 00:00 Station Pier Melbourne 02:17 Devonport 03:05 Imbarcare 05:17 Cabină: tururi 05:17 Cină tip bufet 46 Flavours of Tasmania /TMK 10:50 Divertisment pe vas 12:27 Plecare din Devonport 13:55 Seara 14:50 Dimineața 16:15 Bine ați venit la Geelong 17:50 Ceremonia de deschidere a noului terminal Geelong 19:22 Spirit of Tamanias Quay The INDIAN PACIFIC 2022: Adelaide to Perth in GOLD TWIN – tren cu dormitoare de lux prin Australia: INDIAN PACIFIC 2021: Cel mai luxos tren din Australia – Sydney to Adelaide Full Review: https://youtu. be/pC9SAoNX4tw 10 zile, călătorie cu trenul de 7100 km în Australia, de la Cairns la Perth cu calea ferată: GHAN Platinum Clasa Adelaide la Darwin – călătorie cu trenul de lux de 3.000 km prin Australia: Crăciun în Great Southern Train – cea mai nouă călătorie cu trenul de lux din Australia, Adelaide la Brisbane: Călătorind la fiecare tip de tren V/Line într-o zi! Călătorii cu trenul pe distanțe lungi în Victoria: Qantas QF2 B787 Business Class Darwin la Sydney – un zbor internațional intern! Transwa Australind Perth la Bunbury: Călătorind pe vechea cale ferată Ghan – Pichi Richi Afghan Express Port Augusta la Quorn întoarcere The Inlander Townsville la Mount Isa: Spirit of Queensland Railbed Sleeper Cairns la Brisbane: Transwa Prospector Train Perth to Kalgoorlie – Cel mai rapid serviciu din Australia: https:// Cel mai rapid tren din Australia – Tilt Train Business Class Brisbane către Rockhampton: Trenul Westlander Toowoomba către Queensland: Călărit cu locomotiva 3801, Legenda aburului: Trenul Overland Clasa Red Premium de la Melbourne la Adelaide: Trenul Spirit of the Outback de prima clasă de la Brisbane la Longreach: https://youtu .be/Lb4snTmxreU Premium Economy Class Spirit of Queensland de la Townsville la Cair ns: NSW XPT Dormitor de clasa I de la Sydney la Melbourne: NSW XPT Clasa economică de la Canberra la Melbourne prin Yass: -K7NAxvNu Canberra la Melbourne numai cu trenuri, Xplorer + XPT: clasa I/Linia N clasa de la Melbourne la Wodonga: Trenul Xplorer de primă clasă NSW de la Sydney la Canberra: Trainspotting la stația Wondabyne: Alăturați-vă canalului meu de membru pentru a avea acces la avantaje: UClLxsJJL11SLXwh4C8I3sWQ/join Urmărește-mi Instagram: Noua pagină de Facebook: #Spiritoftasmania #cruiseship #Ferry #Geelong #Devonport #Melbourne #Travel #luxu #vacanță #Australia #vacanță #foodie #stationpier #getaway


24 thoughts on “Inaugurarea feribotului SPIRIT OF TASMANIA de la Devonport la Geelong – 23 octombrie 2022

  1. Thank you so much Rory, we love your work!! This was perfect as we're planning on travelling on it soon before they get replaced. Well done!

  2. rory,what a great video,great for people that have done it but want to,did you ask them if they would discount your ticket for a good review,TT are a good company run a tight ship so to speak.wondered about food drink options you covered that well,looks like they are reasonable prices,they also offer standby travel again like the airlines only seating i think but again reasonably priced again,your going to turkey hope that all goes well,cheers,bralen

  3. My first trip across Bass Strait was in 1956 on the Taroona. Have crossed on every vessel since and multiple times on many of them. Also crossed on the Catamaran to George Town. The Port of Melbourne was a terrible place to access when driving so something had to be done, but the move to Geelong means a 2 hour drive through busy Melbourne and hefty toll fees on Citylink. Not enthused by this, although the airport is no better. I have had some smooth as glass crossings, and also some epic rough ones – one on the Princess to Tassie was so rough only myself and the barman were not green. 30th June 1971 is indelibly etched 🙂

  4. Nice video as always. I think its about time Melbourne updated their facilities as well. Station Pier is very old not sure what tourists arriving from overseas think of the outdated Station Pier. Geelong has so much better equipped facilities

  5. What a wonderful video!! So informative I’m a Tasmanian and makes me proud 🥹 I’ve been on the ferry three times and agree the buffet is great!! The pantry food is so overpriced! Good job Rory thank you 🙏

  6. As someone who lived in Tasmania for 18 months(big mistake) my take on moving the Victorian port to Geelong is simple. It’s the target market for Tasmania – feral bogans.

  7. Since many cars/trucks driving to Geelong will pass by the area of the old ferry terminal, not sure about argument on reducing need to pass through melbourne. (except for those moving from west of Geelong).
    This will be good for airlines who will get the former foot/bike traffic that used to travel from Melbourne.

  8. Thanks for the video. That public transport option needs to be fixed up ASAP with shuttle busses to North Geelong station – not North Shore, that’s a windswept, industrial, broken glass strewn hellhole that no well meaning local would ever park or linger at. It’s a bloody disgrace.

  9. Well Done. I commute to Geelong from Melbourne regularly. Very informative video. Thank you. Did you find the single bed too narrow to sleep on.

  10. Great video Rory! Loved seeing a boat being featured on your channel and what a boat it is! I've never been on the Spirit of Tasmania before and get very seasick but maybe I might just one day do it! As always an amazing video.

  11. Think this will fail. No foot passenger or tourist is going to sclep down to Geelong another 2 hours from Melbourne plus the transfer from station. It will wither away. It we become essentially a truck or car ferry. But even then it’s more than a hour drive at peak hour. And no one is driving from Tasmania to the Great Ocean road.

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